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DISCLAIMER: Everything belongs to Rick Riordan and Stephanie Meyer. I own nothing.

IT  TOOK A good bit of convincing, but Bella finally got Annabeth to consent to a visit La Push, the Quileute Indian Reservation, after school. She was very reluctant, mostly because she would have to be around that strange Jacob Black again, but eventually gave in after nearly an hour of pleading after she woke up.

     "Fine," she griped, "just leave me alone so I can get ready. Since when are you this pushy?" It was a decision that Annabeth was already regretting.

     She had hitched a ride to school with Bella and her boyfriend; Annabeth had had to sit in the back of Edward's silver Volvo, right next to his adoptive sister, Alice, who had greeted Annabeth with a hug nearly bone-crushing and then a quick once-over, eyeing her hole-y blue jeans and messy ponytail with distaste. She had proceeded to fill the entire ride to school with mindless chatter; Annabeth had tuned her out and heard her voice as bothersome chirping in the background. She usually didn't listen to music, as it wasn't really her thing, but for once she was wishing that one of the two people in the front seat would turn the radio up. Finally, about five minutes until they arrived at the school, Annabeth couldn't take it anymore.

     "Are you always this annoying, or are you making a special effort today?" Alice had immediately stopped talking, looking offended yet having the decency to seem embarrassed. Bella had turned around in her seat to shoot Annabeth a glare, which was met with a much more icy one. After her step cousin quickly glanced away, Annabeth turned her gaze to Edward, who appeared as though he was trying not to laugh.

     "I know that you got that off the internet," grumbled Alice. In fact, Annabeth only used the internet when it was absolutely necessary, as it had a similar effect on monsters as cell phone signals did, but she wasn't going to tell them that, because she didn't feel like coming up with an excuse as to why she was one of the only teenagers who could live without wifi.

     Edward finally turned the car into the school drive. Looking out the window, Annabeth noticed a good many heads turn and watch the Volvo for a moment a bit wistfully before turning back to their conversations. Annabeth wasn't surprised, as this was by far the nicest car in the lot, save a cherry red convertible parked a couple of spaces down.

     Annabeth didn't think twice before she got out, grabbing her binder and books, as in all of the other schools she had been to, a new student transfer wasn't that much of a big deal. Clearly, that wasn't the case here, as she saw when she looked up.

     She hadn't been out of the car for ten seconds, and already the group of people closest to Annabeth was staring at her, whispering. She clutched her books to her chest self-consciously. Annabeth liked receiving attention for her accomplishments, not being an outsider.

     "Come on," said Bella, nudging Annabeth, who shrugged away from her touch on instinct more than anything else. As Annabeth made her way to the school building with Bella and the two Cullens, heads whirled around to stare at the new kid. Annabeth could hear them muttering, and she nearly had a panic attack when a couple of girls giggled, looking straight at her, glancing at each other, and then back to her again. Annabeth wasn't sure why she felt so insecure all of the sudden; she was used to new kids at camp watching her once they learned about her being a major war hero, but this was different for some reason.

     After what seemed an eternity, the foursome made it through the school doors. "You'll need to go through there to get your schedule and such," said Edward, who had one arm over Bella's shoulder. He jerked his head towards a set of doors, a sign in one of its windows reading "OFFICE". Bella and Edward left for class, following Alice's lead, who hadn't said a word to Annabeth since the little incident in the car.

Rain: A Twilight/Percy Jackson CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now