Dare 21

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ShiroKuro: *enters studio fabulously* Tadaima!

Haise: Welcome back guys! How was the trip?

Kuroneki: It was lovely *blushes*

Shironeki: Uh..why is Zandea-chan crying in the corner.

Haise: She's freaking out.

Kuroneki: Of course she is! We're asking why.

Me: Not...pure..no..book..akfjwknskf

Shironeki: Omfg someone help her 0___0

Kuroneki: Ne Zandea-chan, what's wrong? We brought back some sweets.

Me: Sweets! We gotta invite Juuzou later.

Haise: Now tell us why you're crying (・3・)

Me: This book is...*plays with Haise's hair* not pure!!!

Kanekis: The fuck?

Me: SEE?! I-THERE'S LIKE-oh nevermind. Let's just get on with it. *cracks knuckle*


Shironeki: Huh? Where are we?

Kuroneki: Shiro, what on earth is going on?

Me: *points at the screen* this is what's going on.

omfgfudanshi says: I dare Haise to watch Boku no Pico. All three episodes!!

Kuroneki: Holy shet.

Shironeki: Holy shit indeed.

Me: How is my baby gonna survive this?!

In the other room

Haise: Zan-chan? Shiro? Kuroooo?!

Me: *uses mic* Sassan, please take a seat near the tv.

Haise: *sees a chair in front of the tv* O-okay. *sits down*

Me: Good boy! Now just sit there and wait.

Kuroneki: lolololol good boy.

Shironeki: He acts like a cute puppy sometimes. He has to stop.

Kuroneki: True. He's killing Zandea-chan and other fangirls everyday.

Me: *coughs* back to the topic!

Haise: *gets tied to the chair* Eh?! Guys what the fu-

Opening song starts to play.

Me: May his soul rest in peace.

ShiroKuro: Amen.

Haise: The heck? Is this that hentai anime or something that Tsukiyama-san told me?!

Kuroneki: Wait what?

Me: Tsukiyama...you little biatch.

Haise: Why tf does the boy look like a girl?!

Haise: Yah Zan-chan! Let me go! My eyes are burning.

Shironeki: I think it was too late to tell him to close his eyes.

Kuroneki: Yeah...he'll still hear the sounds tho...



Spongebob narrator voice:
An eternity later....

Z&S&K: Haise...? *enters the room*

Kuroneki: Haise are you okay?

Haise: Huh?

Shironeki: Sasaki, snap out of it!

Haise: Sasaki? Who's that?

Me: Oh god.

Me: There's only one way to solve this... *cracks knuckle*

Touka: Oi! Why the freak am I here?

Me: Please bring Sassan back.

Haise: *spirit slowly moving out of the body*


Touka: W-what will I do?

Me: *whisper something*

Touka: E-EH?!

Shironeki: Touka-chan hurry! We're losing him.

Touka: akdjndnnds...fine *kisses Haise*

Haise: A-ano..what happened?

Me: You nearly died because of watching some hentai anime and Touka kissed you to bring you back to life.

Haise: Oh okay-SHE WHAT?!

Kuroneki: *chuckles* Well it did work.

Shironeki: Sooo...how was Boku no Pico?

Haise: *war flashbacks* pico?

Touka: S-sasaki?

Haise: Pico....


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