› breezeclan

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the compassionate and sturdy


      Gorgeous, rolling moors of green grasses, doused in the golden light of the sun. A quaint Twolegplace sits just past the crest of a hill in the northernmost part of BreezeClan territory.

 A quaint Twolegplace sits just past the crest of a hill in the northernmost part of BreezeClan territory

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       BreezeClan cats sport a lithe, wiry build with large ears and long legs perfect for sprinting.


       Rabbits, hares, thrush, crows, and mice.

traditions and history

       In BreezeClan, the strongest warriors are those with the longest legs and the fastest running speed. Their cats place special importance upon hunting ability, especially when it comes to the swift, long-bodied hares that roam the moors. When an apprentice is about to become a warrior, they set out upon a three day, rite of passage hunt during which they are forbidden to eat and forbidden to return to camp until the hunt has ended. It is a difficult trial, but when the cat comes home, they are met with an honorable ceremony in which they recieve their warrior name. Unfortunately, some cats have been lost to the hunt. If after the three day period the apprentice has not come back, they are given another day to return. But, if even then they remain absent, their Clanmates are forced to accept the tradgedy and mourn for the lost young one.

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