› oakflame

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OAKFLAME, medicine cat of LeafClan
tom | 55 moons | gay

Long-legged, russet brown tom with copper eyes.

         Oakflame has had a difficult life. From the moment he was born, he was put down by his older two siblings. When Oakflame made the decision to become a medicine cat and pursue a life of healing, his family practically disowned him. Driven mad by the power, Hawkstar took things way too far. He began physically abusing Oakflame, something that scarred the poor tom for life. All of a sudden, Oakflame's personality shifted from a charismatic, outgoing young tom to a reserved, skittish and paranoid medicine cat. Although Hawkstar was eventually put in his place, Oakflame continues to live in a state of permanent fear and hopelessness.

family SIBLINGS: Hawkstar, Embermist

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