Chapter 10 - Pony

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Deadpool's POV

"Fight me," Harley had said, which completely threw me for a whirl, considering I thought we were getting ready to do the nasty and I had to shake my head in disbelief, staring at her from behind my mask.

"Wait, I'm sorry...what was that?" I asked, thinking that I had clearly not heard her correctly.

Harley's hands moved from my shoulders to lace into the bottom portion of my mask as she slowly started to roll it up. My hands hesitantly started to move towards her own in an attempt to stop her from removing my mask completely, because, well...I'd be lying if I said I kinda wanted the sex first, before she realized how revolting I was and wanted nothing to do with me. She stopped once she had my whole mouth revealed however, so I didn't see any reason to stop her.

"I want fight me, Pooley," she said as her lips suddenly crushed against my own and my eyebrows shot skyward from behind my mask. The kiss was deep, ravenous, and completely all over the place, as if the two of us had been celibate for a fucking lifetime.

%Squeeee I can't believe this is actually happening!%

I moved my arms to wrap around her amazing tight-ass body as she continued to ravish me with her mouth and then suddenly, she pulled away. My lips continued to make the motions of kissing as I flittered my eyes open in confusion as to why we were stopping. Suddenly, a fist collided straight into my face and a girly giggle escaped from Harley as she bit her lower lip, clearly aroused by this action. She stepped forward and suddenly took my entire man package in her hand with a bit of force as I grunted, a sense of pain and lust overwhelming me. She leaned forward, licking her lips seductively as she tilted her head at me, beginning to massage my naughty bits as she did so, which made me whimper.

"Pooley, I want fight me. Pweeeeeease?" she whined as she batted her eyelashes several times at me.

{This chick is batshit crazy.}

%I know isn't it amaaaaaaaazing?!%

Okay, I'd play her game....she could take it, and I had to admit, fighting for foreplay was a fucking hot as hell idea. I tilted my head at her before beginning this sexy showdown.

"Just so you name is Wade. You'll need to know that when you're screaming it later," I stated simply as I watched Harley's face light up and she continued to bite at her lip. My hands shoved roughly into her shoulders, sending her tripping over her own feet backwards. At first, she looked surprised and then her new look explained it all: it was on like Donkey Kong. She grabbed for her mallet and had the most, maniacal, sexy, fucking grin I have ever seen in my life spread across her face. I held my hands out to either side, waiting for her next move, expecting her to swing the mallet at me, but instead she launched the entire thing at me at such a quick speed I hadn't time to dodge.

"Fuck!" I bellowed as the mallet collided into my stomach and sent me launching half way across the warehouse into a nearby wall. My body slumped to the ground and I left out a groan, pulling myself to my feet.

{Lest we forget...she's super strong.}

A hole was suddenly formed in the wooden beam inches from where my head was; a bullet hole to be exact. My eyes widened behind my mask as my head darted over in her direction. I thought this was about fist fighting, I hadn't expected her to bring out the heavy artillery. I stood straight up and threw my hand out in reference to her pistol.

"Where did that even fucking come from?!" I asked sincerely.

%Heehee this just keeps getting better and better!%

Harley's eyebrows rose to the skies in answer before she shot another round between my legs only inches below my third katana. I looked down with a whimper and then shot my head back up, narrowing my eyes as I drew both my pistols. Two could play this game. I started firing round after round at Harley as she dipped, dodged, flipped and slid across the ground in avoidance.

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