Lego House

181 10 10

War. A painful truth. Just like death. Which makes sense because war brings death. Plenty of death.

Tears fill her eyes, clouding the gentle brown. Her brother's arm slides onto her shoulders, his head rests on hers. Blurry figures dance in her eyes. Bodies slumped over others lying on the floor, their chests heaving and their body's shaking. Her brother hums the tune of a song, ever so quietly.

Dust rolls over their feet. Debris is littering the ground all around them. The air smells of death, of misfortune. But the most overwhelming scent is smoke and ash. The memory of the burning around them makes the tears roll out of her eyes. Her brother voices the words to the song. She looks down at the burns on her legs, the cuts and bruises all over her body, the dirt and mud caked onto her skin.

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces, and build a lego house."

It is the year 2076, and Lyndon has just been attacked by Pyllagement.

dedicated to @soullar for the hella rad hand drawn cover.

Lego HouseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora