x. Sadness

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“Autumn,” he croaks. His hands are just beneath the blade in his stomach. He lifts the fingers on his left hand and she takes it, squeezing it tight. “Just know,” he begins, his voice weak and his features pale. He is white as snow and his lips are blue. “That I died for you. Not because of you,” he whispers the final words as he draws his last breath.

Autumn hears faintly Roselle’s final battle cry as everyone either runs or is already dead; murdered. “Peter, Peter,” she whimpers. His hand is limp in hers and she knows that he’s dead. Knows that his last words were directed at her. He died for her.

“Autumn,” Michael’s soft voice. “Autumn, please. We’re almost there.” Autumn shakes her head, tears streaming down her face. Michael shuts Peter’s eyelids and pulls out the knife. Her tears roll down her cheeks as she begins to sob. They drop onto Peter’s lifeless face.

“Hey, Tumnus,” Jarrett whispers, voice filled with tears. He’s using the nickname he created for her when they first met. She shakes her head again, violently.

“No!” she screeches. “Stop! It hurts,” she yells.

“Did someone hurt you?” Michael asks frantically, quickly scanning the parts of her which are visible.

“Emotionally, you idiot,” Rose snarls, glaring at him. Autumn lays her cheek over his lips, whimpering as she does so. So lifeless, but still warm. “Autumn, sweetheart, we can’t stay here for too long. They might come back. We’ll leave you some time but we have to leave as soon as possible.”

“Fine,” she says harshly, wiping away her tears violently and wiping at her nose. She looks down at Peter and roughly presses her lips on his. “I’m sorry that this had to happen, Peter. I liked you more than I have anyone else, I think. I’m so sorry.” She tries to suppress her tears, but they come blubbering out.

She feels arms slide around her waist and she is pulled away from him. She screams, loudly, kicking and thrashing. It is Jarrett holding her. “Pedro saw them coming, Autumn. We have to go.”

“His body!” she screeches. “We can’t just leave him!”

“We have to,” Michael tells her, voice rough and tinged with sadness. Autumn shakes her head and kicks behind, at Jarrett, but narrowly misses. With Roselle’s help, he calms her down and carries her to a hotel room in Spard.


“Leave me alone – I’m fine.” Rose sighs, walking over to her and sitting beside her. She knows that when disaster hits and death follows, you act like they never died, or like it isn’t impacting you at all. First stage of grief is denial, and Autumn is a pro.

“You’re really not,” she retorts. “If Ris were here, she’d be so much better at this. She knows you like no one else does. Well, no one else besides Jarrett.” Jarrett pops in now, smiling a sort of sad smile. “I’m the female side of Irisa and Jarrett is the best friend side.”

“I’m fine, Rose. He’s dead, why would it matter? We knew each other for how long, exactly?”

“He spent his entire time with us defending you! Falling in love with you! His death has to matter because it matters to me and I detested him!” Jarret exclaims. Autumn bursts into tears and Roselle immediately sighs and sends Jarrett out, she follows after him.

“Really, Jarrett? Was that necessary? She’s grieving someone important to her and you try to force the pain out? When something like this happens to someone you love – you either deny their death or deny the pain.” Jarrett shakes his head solemnly.

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