xiv. Secrets

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 { unedited }

Jarrett just wants to punch Pedro in the face; make him shut the hell up. He makes a face at Autumn and she stifles a laugh. She puffs up her cheeks and crosses her eyes and he smiles. “The most stupid thing is –”

“Stop talking.” It’s Michael, croaking. Jarrett hadn’t even realised he’d woken. But, then again, now that he looks at him, he knows why not. His eyes are half-closed, as Jarrett’s had been for hours. One is still, though the other had only been half-shut from exhaustion. He has cuts and bruises trailing all along his body, and his clothes are caked in dried blood, as are Jarrett’s.

“Oh, the wrecked one speaks.” Pedro walks over to Mikey’s cell and the breath in Jarrett’s throat hitches. He’s afraid for Michael, but all he does is sits up. He grimaces somewhat, obviously, but other than that he remains calm. “Have any of you worked out why Rose and Ris aren’t dead?” he asks, his voice teasing. Mikey glares at him. “No? Well. Have any of you worked out why those three –”

“That’s enough, soldier. You must stop this pointless chatter of yours. They hate you and they’ll use you. For answers which you were so easily about to give to them.” The voice is too familiar. Jarrett freezes. He hopes Aleyah is asleep, he hopes she isn’t paying attention. He steps into view and Jarrett’s mouth drops ever so subtly. The man picks up on it, his lips tilting up in a cynical smile. “Hello, son.”

Jarrett’s brain isn’t functioning anymore. He’s trying to put the pieces together, trying to work it all out. His father, meanwhile, has his head cocked to one side. He’s just staring. “No hello?” he asks, his voice firm and soft and scary and kind all at the same. Jarrett can’t form a single word. His mouth round into words unspoken, but no sound escapes. “I always knew your friends would ruin you.”

“Father.” He has yet to work out why his father is standing here, why his father ordered Pedro so easily, why he is wearing a suit and tie. It should be so easy, but his brain is muddled and he can’t formulate a single proper thought. He’s hopeless. Autumn’s probably already worked it all out.

“Still trying to work it out, are you? You always were an idiot, weren’t you? Now, where’s your sister? She was always a cute one. Too vulnerable, too weak – but cute. A distraction. But your annoying mother would never allow that.” He sighs.

“What did you do to mum?” he demands, his voice no longer strangled, though his mind is still muddled and he’s still oh so lost. His father rolls his grey eyes, turns towards the rest of them with a brilliant smile on his lips.

“You all have so much to learn, don’t you?”


Autumn can easily see the resemblance between the two of them. The same light brown hair, though Jarrett’s is longer. The same grey eyes, though Jarrett’s are kinder. The same smile, though Jarrett’s is sincere. He’s just as beautiful. But in a daring way. Aleyah isn’t awake, thankfully. She might just freak out at the sight of her father. “What would you like to find answers to first? I’m sure you have many.”

“Yeah, like why didn’t I ever meet you?” Autumn can’t stop the words from tumbling out. She’s impulsive with her words – she doesn’t think. “Oh, wait, I know the answer to that – because you’re a dick.” There’s an unsettling silence for a moment. Mr Maust stands very still.

“Autumn,” Michael mumbles, her name almost a moan through his swollen, cut lips.

“I’m not a dick, as you think. Everything I’ve done thus far has been for a worthy cause.” He walks away and disappears into the shadows. They think they’re home free when he comes back with a chair. He slams the legs into the ground aggressively, making Autumn jump. She gulps. “I am the leader of this corporation. I asked for the attacks, I asked for your retrieval, I asked for your horrendous torture.”

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