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with much resistance from nearly everyone, the joseph family had packed up everything and was ready to move to their new home and life in columbus ohio.

it was simple and small, a nice fresh start, as kelly stated.

the ride there was filled with tension. zack did nothing but glare at his older brother. if it weren't for him, they'd be back in georgia, and zack could be hanging out with his friends and being a regular kid.

regular. the joseph family did not know that word well. though they have tried to grasp the true meaning, and tries to live regular lives it was increasingly difficult.

"i know what could lighten up this dreary atmosphere," kelly smiled, trying to cut the tension. "ice cream! i just saw a sign that said west virginia's best, should we try it out?"

zack scoffed and rolled his eyes while jay eagerly nodded his head, wanting a soft chocolate vanilla swirl. madison sighed softly and nodded.

"it'll be fun guys, trust me! and after we get the ice cream, we'll be at our new house in no time."

"i don't want a new house, i want to be back home in georgia hanging out with jake and logan!"

it was madison's turn to scoff. "zack, the paul brother's are such twinks. hell, logan was bragging about his geography skulls by saying england is a city. be glad we're leaving them."

zack rolled his eyes and stared out the window. "i hate this family."




the ice cream was not the best. if that was truly west virginia's best ice cream, jay said he wouldn't ever go back to that state.

tyler awkwardly looked out the window, seeing all of the houses passing by. the family had driven pass the "welcome to ohio state" sign hours ago, and now tyler was patiently waiting to see his new house.

"is that one it?" jay asked unpatiently, pointing to random houses.


"what about that one?"

"no, jay."

"what about that one over there?"


"what about-"

"jesus christ jay! no! we're nowhere near our-"

"we're here!" kelly interrupted with a blooming smile on her face.

jay smiled at his older brother and stuck his tongue out at him. zack rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. the young boy happily skipped out of the car ready to see his new house. he paused and turned to his older brother.

"ty! can you grab joshie from the back of the car please? i want him to see his new home too!" tyler laughed lightly to himself and mumbled a soft "sure" he slowly climbed out of the car smiling fondly at the memory.


"aw ty ty, i  want that one!" jay shouted pointing to a hermit crab with a brightly painted shell.

"mom is gonna flip when she sees that thing." maddy laughed while shaking her head. the carnie managing the small booth chuckled.

"you know it would be cheaper if you just bought it."

jay's eyes light up. "oh please ty! i'll never ask for anything again. i just want it! i'll take care of it and change his cage! please, please, please ty!" jay begged.

ty hesitantly pulled out his wallet. "how much does it cost?"

"$15" the carnie smiled. tyler handed her the money and jay grabbed the first one he saw.

"this one!" jay shouted, cupping his hands around it and hugging it against his body

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"this one!" jay shouted, cupping his hands around it and hugging it against his body. "i'll name you... josh."

"why josh?" tyler asked while laughing.

"he looks like a josh to me."


tyler carefully picked up the hermit crab, afraid that he'll kill the small thing.

zack got out the car with his headphones in blasting some random song from metallica and smiled, seeing an opportunity. he walked past tyler and accidentally tripped him causing the cage and all of the purple sand to break apart and scatter on their new drive way.

jay screamed. "josh! josh!" their were tears in his eyes as he ran to his tiny pet.

tyler stayed laying on the ground. glass shards dug into his hands and wrists. his precious skin had dragged on the asphalt and caused various scraps.

jay pushed his brother to the side and began to take care of his pet. "shh joshie, it's okay, no one will hurt you." he whispered to the small crab, afraid to come out of his shell. "you had one job tyler."

tyler furiously stood up and marched over to zack. zack turned to him with a smile on his face.

"whatcha gonna do ty guy?" he mocked. as zack was about to turn away, he got punched square in the jaw and fell onto the lawn.

"that's what i'll do asshole." the teen growled as he marched into the house.

*this was so poorly written sorry*

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