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after the dramatic events that had occured, blurry apologized to his smaller brother and agreed to buy him a new pet. all of the children got to choose their rooms and tyler's had a large window which generously displayed the entire neighborhood. it was nice, but nothing could beat his childhood home. things had finally settled, though there was still done tension, but nothing compared to earlier. tyler began to unpack his things one by one out of the moving truck. he walked past the grave area with a scribbled picture of jay and the rest of the family holding the hermit crab and tyler/blurryface standing away from them secluded. he set the box down and lifted up the paper covering the pile of dirt.

"why would blurryface do this?"

"you mean why did you do this." zack said from behind the sad brunette.

"not this again zack." tyler said staring straight ahead, not bothering to turn his head.

"no, why are you such a piece of shit tyler? why the hell are you even alive. you're a pathetic excuse for a brother." zack spit venomously at tyler's already small self esteem. it took all the 17 year old had to not break into tears right then and there. "if it weren't for you i bet dad would still be alive!"

something within tyler snapped.

tears streamed down tyler's precious tanned skin. "you don't get to say that." tyler spoke without any hesitance.

"excuse me?"

"you don't get to speak on god's behalf. you barely even knew dad. what were you, six? and you have some nerve telling me i'm a pathetic excuse for a brother. you caused the death of jay's favorite thing just to make a goddamn point. go to hell zack."

zack just rolled his eyes and walked back into the house as if it didn't matter what tyler said. the truth is, it burned.

tyler stood up from where he was sitting, his knees weak, (ARMS ARE HEAVY) body tired, and mind frazzled. he looked around the strange new neighborhood. he looked back once at the house. and ran.

to where he had no clue. to what he was bound to find.


tyler robert joseph got up from his scrapped hands and sore knees and ran toward his destiny.

He was sprinting past random houses, the fresh air seeping through his body like water to a desperate dehydrated human. he ran past the post office, past the municipal building, right in front of a moving vehicle.

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