Chapter 13

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My eyes frantically skimmed the paper over and over again before I folded it, and shoved it in my pocket.

What the heck was Mariah thinking?

Leaving her child with me. . .me! Out of all people. Luck wasn’t just on my side this year. Of course I love Melody and adored her but I never thought I would be taking care of her. . .not just babysitting for a couple of hours but actually having her. I’m pretty sure this whole thing is illegal.

I paced the living room and ran my hands through my hair frustratingly, but at the same time I was trying to calm myself. I knew all of this stress was bad for me and the baby so I took a few short breaths before I put a ‘plan’ into action even though I didn't know what the hell to do. I dialed Stephen’s number and held the phone up to my ear as I waited.

“Kadence?” he questioned.

“Stephen! I’m freaking out right now. I don’t know what to do. This is so sudden, I’m not ready yet. It’s too much stress on me—“

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, sweetheart calm down.” Stephen slowed me down as I heard shuffling on the other end.

His soothing voice brought me back down to Earth and seemed to calm me down. My stupid pregnancy hormones made me want to cry when if I was in this situation if I wasn’t pregnant, I wouldn’t be crying. I craved Stephen’s voice like I craved French fries dipped in pickle juice. It was satisfying and left me wanting more.

“Just, can you come pick me up? I have someone who’s coming along though. . .” I sighed, figuring I should get Melody to pack some of her things.

I couldn’t just leave the child here all alone. The poor thing probably don’t even know that her own mother abandoned her. I honestly expected more from Mariah. Nothing she said in that letter could justify her leaving her own daughter and at the same time, her husband was on his way to prison. Mariah probably has been planning this for weeks, that’s probably why I haven’t heard from her in so long. Mariah wanted a better life. I guess that didn't include her own daughter.

“Sure, yeah, it’ll take me about fifteen minutes though. I have to drop my grandmother off at the hospital.” Stephen informed.

“What, is she ok?” I asked, frowning at the thought of Evelyn.

She seemed so full of life and vibrant. You wouldn’t have thought she was suffering from something like this. Sickness always takes the beautiful and loving people. It was sad and frustrating how the world worked.

“Yeah she’s fine. . .for now.” Stephen cleared his throat at his insensitive words. “I just have to take her for her check up at the hospital. She goes regularly.” He explained.

“Ok, sure, just take your time. You remember where my house is right?” I asked, already beginning to walk up the stairs.

“Of course, I’ll see you in a bit sweetheart.” Then the line went dead.

I bit my lip and had my phone grasped tightly in my hand. Pushing open Melody’s door, I saw her sitting cross legged on her bed, as always, on her tablet. The lights from her tablet flashed on her face from time to time as she grinned with a breathy laugh escaping her small lips.

“Melody?” I questioned, walking further into the room, dodging toys that was carelessly thrown on her pink carpeted floor.

I could tell she didn’t hear me because headphones were placed above her dark brown colored locks that was pulled from her face in a loose ponytail. But once she felt new weight dip down on her bed, she looked up startled, but sighed in relief when she saw it was me.

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