Chapter 23

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3 months later. . .

You sure you’re up for this?” Stephen asked, leaning on the door frame with a towel tossed over his shoulder that was stained with Kennedy’s vomit.

My ears perked up at his voice as I studied myself in the full length mirror of our bedroom, turning at different angles until I was satisfied at what I saw. I did a quick turn on my heel as he approached from behind me, his hands encircling around my waist. I shied away from his touch as he felt my post-partum belly weight that I’m so determined on losing. I’ve had a setback considering Kennedy was born 3 months ago, graduation was a month later, and I still had to think about college applications. Everything was weighing down on me so I turned to junk food which didn’t help my weight problem.

“Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” I questioned back, gripping at his wrists running my hands up and down his arms.

“A lot has happened in the past few months, I just wanted to make sure you’re up for this. With Kennedy being born and—“

“I’m fine Stephen.” I cut him off, turning in his arms to peer at his worrisome expression.
“It’s just orientation. Shouldn’t last but a couple of hours. I’ll be back before you know it.” I pressed a reassuring kiss to his lips and stepped away from his hold.

“You should use this time you know.” I started, picking up my purse and my phone before walking to the door and turning to stare at his confused expression once more. “Kennedy’s asleep. Go take a shower you smell of baby vomit.” I smirked as he smiled, shaking his head then walked away.


Even though I was drained from walking around the campus, meeting new people, and the dean, I knew I had to pick up some groceries for the house or Stephen was going to suggest another smoothie for dinner.

I pushed the squeaky shopping cart through the produce aisle picking up a few apples when I saw a little hand reach over and grab at a stalk of celery. I turned my head and my breath caught in my throat when I saw the little girl that was on my mind 24/7 even though it’s been more than nine months later. I blinked multiple times to take in her appearance, trying to process in my mind that this was actually Melody.

Melody still haven’t taken notice in me as she studied the vegetable in her hands. My eyes trailed over her and I sighed in relief. Whoever was caring for her is doing a great job. Her hair is pulled back from her face in a high ponytail, her dress bright, and her face is clean.

“M-melody?” I questioned, advancing towards her.

Melody’s head snapped over to mine in alarm but relaxed when she saw it was me. Her expressions went through a roller coaster of emotions as she looked me over. She finally settled on sadness. I kneeled down to her height in my three inch heels. I studied her body language noticing how she took a few unsure steps back from me. My heart cracked in two.

“Kadence. . .” she whispered, the stalk of celery hanging limply in her small hands.

“Hey gorgeous.” I said, choosing my choice of words carefully.

I knew Melody despised me from the look of her face but there was just a tiny spark in her eye that still held on to the love and hope that she still had for me. Even though I abandoned her. My therapists, friends, and family told me numerous of times that I didn’t abandon Melody, Mariah did. I had no choice but to do the lawful thing, even though it meant losing a little girls trust that she had in me.

Melody sighed, her bottom lip quivering as she searched for words. “Why’d you let me go, Kadence?”

A tear trickled down my face as she spoke these few words. I tentatively reached forward and cradled her head in my hands. I knew that she still loved me when she didn’t back away from my touch. Instead, she leaned into it.

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