Chapter 20

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I grumbled restlessly as I ran my index finger through the spines of the old books in the newly re-built library in our school.

Of course I had to pick the most popular book for this book report. And then, dare I say, I waited about a week later to actually find the book. Knowing damn well that it was going to get snatched up really quickly. An act of laziness on my part but I didn’t really like the idea of starting a long overdue book report when I could be catching up on my T.V shows.

Because of everything that’s been happening in the last couple of weeks, I’ve been falling behind in my classes. Sloane and Willow couldn’t really help me out on that part considering we had zero classes together. Well, if you would call lunch a class, that was about it.

My teachers got on to me quickly, but had to find a way to threaten me considering I wasn’t really involved with any school activities after I quit basketball. I understood their concerns though. It was senior year. This was the worst time as any to fall behind on your work or you’ll have major consequences. That being not having the chance to walk the stage this year. I shivered internally at that thought. My friends walking the stage while I have to stay behind another year caring for a barely week old newborn.

I shook out of my depressing thoughts, going back to my original task. I merely rolled my eyes when I came up to the spot where the book was supposed to be. I looked at the empty space in complete disappointment figuring I’d have to buy the five dollar book at a store. Five dollars really wasn’t a big deal but the thought of buying a book that I was barely going to read, upset me for some reason. I’m so overdramatic.

I shifted my book bag over my shoulder, turning to walk down the aisle so I could head out of the library and go home finally. I stayed behind a couple of hours after school ended to catch up on my assignments and maybe even start on the book report that was due in less than a week. How was I going to read thirty-four chapters then write a three page book report on it? I don’t know but that’s not going to stop me from trying. Better to hand in something than nothing.

“Looking for this?” someone spoke in front of me as my gaze was on the carpeted floor.

I recognized those scuffed converse from anywhere and rose my head to stare into the eyes of Nathan. The guy physically made me shudder. He made me sick. Nathan has been giving me hell. Not only has he been spreading rumors, but he finds any way he can to send me his ‘pics’ which I find shocking. Seriously, who would let someone else borrow their phone so they could text their explicit pictures to their ex-girlfriend?

Held in front of me was the book that I was searching for for about thirty minutes. When I didn’t answer, Nathan rose his eyebrows almost as if to say: ‘well?’

“How’d you know?” I asked, my voice shaking to just curse him out.

Dude has balls for even willingly coming up to talk to me instead of hiding. If Nathan remembered anything about me from the time we were dating, he knows that I’m overly opinionated and won’t think twice to say something in a situation like this. So props to him. It was taking everything in me to not punch his lights out.

Nathan tilted his head then scratched his scruff, almost embarrassed to answer me. “Ah, I might’ve been watching you. Key word: might’ve.”

A giggle almost pushed past my lips at his shy behavior. Nathan knew this was one thing that I couldn’t get enough of him when we were dating. His puppy dog brown eyes would lower and that cute blush would be noticeable on his beautiful tanned skin. When he does this, I’d always reach up and whisper against his lips ‘cute’ before placing a kiss on them. I hate to admit it but this guy still made me feel warm inside no matter how many times I try to push it down and out of my system. Feelings were still there. But while my feelings were there, his were all over the cheerleading and dance squad. Just this thought brought out the bitch in me.

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