Chapter 18

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I don’t think anyone should ever be in a situation where they are so heavily dependent on someone that they can’t go through with their lives without said person by their side.

It’s a scary thought if you really think about it. How you're so involved with this person that you have to have them around 24/7. What would happen if they suddenly just up and left? You’re left sitting there looking pathetic because you’ve lost sight of yourself and who you truly are. And it’s all because you got a little too close to that person.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s a total abomination that you’re dependent on someone even just the slightest. Because it’s ok to have a little help in your life. You have to or you’ll struggle greatly. And this moment in my life, was where I slowly started to lean more and more onto Stephen.

The morning after my party, as I suspected, Mariah’s words rang clear through my head like a church bell. It was loud and wanted to be heard, and that was solely what Mariah was going for. She wanted me to feel what she was feeling in the situation with her daughter.

Little does she know, I feel it and it is strong and suffocating.

Mariah didn’t experience that morning at the police station when Melody and I’s hands broke apart because they took her from me. She didn’t hear Melody’s ear piercing screams that resonated around the police station turning a few heads. No, she didn’t know because she was too busy trying to drop off the face of this earth. That phone call I got late at night told me that they found Mariah where ever she was.

My body was curled up tight underneath the sheets as I watched the slit of sunlight peeking out of the blinds and was dancing on Stephen’s abandoned pillow. I listened to his quick movements as he got ready for work. I later found out that he was a personal trainer who worked just a few minutes away from his suburban house. I know knew why his body was fit and my suspicions were answered as to why he shied away from sweets and sodas like he do. Not to mention the giant jars of protein powder he has crowding up his counter space in the kitchen.

“Sweetheart, shouldn’t you be getting up for school?” Stephen called out, his voice was muffled from the toothpaste that was most likely foaming up and spilling out of his mouth. I could almost smell the minty aroma.

It didn’t even once crossed my mind to get up for school that morning. I denied my mom’s advances yesterday night when she asked if I needed a change of clothes for school. The main reason I denied her in the first place is because I knew I would be too tired to even function early in the morning. Not to mention I have calculus for first period. But not only was I tired, I was sad. And every time I’m upset it clearly shows and I didn’t want to face the never ending questions from Willow and Sloane. I knew they would be confused because I just told them how I had so much fun and it was the happiest I’ve been in a while.

“I don’t want to go.” I mumbled, snuggling my head closer into the comforts of the pillow.

“Kade. . .” Stephen clearly didn’t agree with my decisions but when he didn’t continue his sentence, I knew he didn’t want to start an argument.

The trickle of water from the bathroom faucet shut off and Stephen walked across the carpeted floor until I saw his shadow stretch across the comforter.

“Can you look at me?” he asked, his voice was strong and demanding.

I knew not to fight against it so I sighed heavily and sat upright against the headboard, lolling my head to the side to stare at him. Stephen looked fresh and clean, ready to start the day. His hair lacked the usual hair gel, knowing it’ll sweat out from his field of work. My eyes trailed down his body that he decided to show off this morning. He was in a loose black t-shirt, joggers with the Nike logo at the hip, and sneakers with low-cut white socks. A duffel bag was positioned over his shoulder before he set it down next to my outstretched legs.

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