Chapter 2

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           "Umm.. so uh w-whats your name?" You hold your hand out hoping  sh will shake it. She said nothing for a minute till... "undyne ,but don't bother to remember it. We hate nerds and nobody, Hell your parents didn't even want you!" She started to laugh. You stepped towards undyne.  "DO YOU WANT TO REPET THAT!?!" you said  while you clinched you teeth, you lifted undyne up by her collar.   "No one will love a nerdy ,nobody thats homeless like you!!" She said with a big smirk.  She chuckled "What can you do, huh kid?!" *WHAM!!* you looked down to see blood.  'not again, I told them that I wouldn't fight OR have blood on my hands again, I need to learn how to control my strength.' you thought to your self.  Everyone was in shock.  "Don't you EVER, EVER talk to them like that again! Got it!?!" You screamed as tears ran down your face. She nodded ,but that wasn't enough for you. "I SAID DO YOU GET IT, YES OR NO!?!" your voice was shaky as you demanded her to speak. "Ok I won't.... for a nerd thats homeless you can sure fight!"  She said with a new form of respect as you slowly put her down.  "I'm homeless I need to protect my-self from killer's and rapeist."  You told her as you wiped your hands off on your shirt and looked down to the floor.

          PJ   P.O.V ~   "A-are you ok Y/N?" I can't belive she did that... wait is she even.... Human? "Y-yea I'm ok ... it's just that today they died... but you should worry about undyne ,that punch was pretty strong." But she still looked away. It was ether she was sad about her parents or she felt bad about punching undyne, but it could've been both. She was sipping her tears as she finished crying. ( you should listen to cry baby by meline martinaze, it's awesome and sorry about spelling her name wrong if it is wrong.).  'But who are they, Is "they" her parents, and are they the only one that died, she looks likes she would be the oldest kid out of 2 or 3 kids.' I thought as I stared at you, feeling bad.  "Who's they.... I'm sorry you don't have to answer I  was just wondering..."  I thought that she was about to punch me ,but she didn't.  " They were my family... my brother, sister, dad, and m- m-mom.... they were murdered, but no one would take the case, because the people that murdered them were so clean, they left nothing behind.  But I had the feeling that something like this would happen, I-i thought that I-if I didn't get c-close to them it would hurt less, b-but it hurts m-more than it would be if I h-held them c-close..." She stoped talking.  I didn't thought that she was homeless because of that... it's brutal that someone would do that to her to anyone. "But the worst thing of it all was.... I saw them die in front of my eyes. They wouldn't let me look away they hold my head so, I couldn't... it was like they were teaching me a lesson , a cure lesson..." you started to trail off in your thought's.

         Ink P.O.V~   "Wait Error!! Y/N and PJ is gone!!!" Ink franticly search for you and PJ. " So, Y/N isn't our kid, just another homeless kid because their parents are screw up's.  Oh and Ink, PJ is with his Fucking little friends." Error pointed to the spot that you and PJ were standing.  "Don't be an asshole Error.... you and I know how it feels like, and who knows she can be like us..." Ink just looked  down the floor. the thought made him sad, he was fighting off the tears. " OK,ok I'll do what you want just stop crying, cry baby." Error hugged Ink, making him feel loved, safe, and lucky to have Error.   They started to walk towards you and PJ.

       PJ P.O.V ~  "Undyne stop being a bitch to Y/N."  'Damn why did she said that?!  It's such a dick move!' "hey PJ can you come with me..." I didn't understand why she whispered. "Fine undyne ,but don't even try asking me out, K?  I have my eyes on someone else, K!"  I winked at her, ' Her face! OH MY GOD, her face is so fucking hilarious!' "W-what no thats not it! C-can you just come with me!" I followed undyne.   "Whats up, undyne?" I asked looking at her.  She had a worried face, and I didn't like it.  " D-did you see her face... when she picked me up and punch me?" I didn't understand why is she was talking about that, but who knows.  " Ya she was pissed off!" I told her. "NO! S-she had markings her face like sh-she was... d-denomic..." I had to process that for a moment...' denomic?'  W-Why would she calmer demonic  That pisses me off!

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