Chapter 5

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         Y/N P.O.V.~   PJ and Ink walked to us.   "Hey Y/N." Pj went to the side of you smiling.  "We decided that we will take care of you but we won't adopt you if that's ok."  Ink said to you and hoped you would understand. You thought about it for a minute. "Ok I have no problem with that!" You said in your cheerful voice that you haven't heard in a while.  "Great let's go!" Ink said leading the way.  You got into a mini van and then it drove off.

    PJ P.O.V.~   I thought of something to say to her ,but I couldn't think of anything.  I remember now how could I forget I'm the leader of the football team!  "Hey Y/N do you like sports?"  I asked her to see if she was and if she is she can be part of the cheerleading squad,her in a cute little skirt with a shirt that showed her belly and if it was tight! ( Sorry if your a boy idk what you would wear ,and theirs no shame if you are!  I'm biosexual and I like girls and boys so theirs no shame in it just let it out and scream it out and be proud to be biosexual or gay! XD)   "I was the best player on my football team before.... my parents..." she said in a quiet yet happy voice.  I was surprised that a hot chick like her used to play football.  "Really?! What are you good at?" I asked her in a happy and surprised voice. "I was the runner and defender, well those are my strong points." She muttered out with a pink hue appearing on her face.  I thought to my-self for a moment. 'We do need more people on the team ,and we have been struggling with defending the football  ,when we have it.' I finished thinking about it. "Hey dad ,is she going to the same school as me?" I asked in a hopeful voice.  "Yes ,she is we need to inroll her first ,and hopefully I can convince them to put you two in the same classes." Ink said with hi normal cheery voice. "That's great we need some more people on the football team,you can join!" I looked at her. She looked like she was panicking. "Are you ok ,Y/N?" I asked in a worried tone.

     Y/N  P.O.V~  You started to panic when Ink said I was going to school. You had social anxiety. When ever you were in a crowded space with people you sit down, put your head between your knees, and started to hiperventalrate )Forgive my spelling and grammar.)  it is the worst thing ever. Pj looked at you worried and said "Are you ok, Y/N?"  You just nodded and said "Yes I'm ok but I have social anxiety and panic around a big crowd." You felt your cheeks heat up when you felt Pjs' bony hand on your thigh. (I'm sorry but I need to say.... that wasn't the only bony thing about him. I know, I know, I'm a sinner! ;).)  He lifts your chin up and said "Everything will be ok I promise."  His smooth face and sparkling eyes captivated you.

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