Chapter 6

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Y/N P.O.V.~ You trusted him and nodded. "Ok I trust you ,Pj." You said with a smile and hugged him. He hasitated for a bit and then melted into the hug. "We're almost there!" Ink said with a huge smile. "Ok..." You said wondering what it will look like ,how it would feel like to have a home, and we're you going to sleep? They drove into a driveway ,and what you saw amazed you. It was a regular house but you haven't seen a regular hose for a while. "Ok were here!" Pj opened the door and got out ,you followed him.

PJ P.O.V.~ As I stepped out she followed me. She looked scared and happy at the same time. "Heh don't worry it'll be ok!" I said to her as she jumped out of the car. She looks so small and fragile, I wanted to hold her close so she wouldn't get hurt or broken. Ink opened the door and we went in. Y/N hesitated for a moment before I gestured for her to come in. "It's ok! It's not like the house will bite!" I said laughing. "O-ok but are you guys ok?" She asked with a small little voice. She was so cute! "Of course we're sure!" Ink yelled behind me causing me to jump. "Please don't scare me like that ,dad" Why is he so loud?! "O-ok.." she walked into the house.

Y/N P.O.V. ~ You walked in and found yourself amazed by how big it was. "Wow..."you said quitely. "It's been a while since you've seen something like this huh?" You heard pj ask you. "Y-yeah..." you were quite. "Here ,do you want to take a shower?" Ink asked in a soft voice. "Yes please." You said while taking the towel that Ink handed you. "Pj can you show her weres the shower?" Ink said softly trying not to scare Pj like last time. "Sure ,follow me." You followed Pj to the only blue door. "This is the shower." Pj said walking away. "Thank you!" You told him and he just nodded. Then you went and took a shower.

Pj P.O.V. ~ I walked down stairs and started to watch tv.
~Le time skip brought to you by adult Pj!~

~Le time skip brought to you by adult Pj!~

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Still Pj P.O. V.~ "Pj!!!" Ink yelled for me in the guest room. I walked to Ink. "What's up?" I asked Ink. "Can you take theses to Y/N?" He asked holding out some clothes. "But she's a girl and I'm a boy! That's a bad idea!" I screamed at Ink for even having that thought. "But you like her and I'm 35 I can't do that!" "How about father?!" I said hoping that I wouldn't have to give her the clothes. "He's 39!" Ink yelled. 'Yikes there old!' I thought. "Fine!" I took the clothes and headed to the bathroom.

Bum bum bum!!!! Cliff hanger! I'm sorry for not updating I haven't been able to update. Hope you like it and peace out!

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