im an idiot

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I'm am idiot for liking someone. I didn't even intend to make things go this way. I know I'm hopeless in it. But I still did it.

I'm an idiot for accepting too many responsibilities. I didn't think about the consequences.

I'm an idiot for pouring out my thoughts to someone else. I could never trust them with this.

I'm an idiot for doing all of these mistakes.

I hate myself

It makes me wanna die. But I won't die for my friends.

And I know I'm still scared of dying because I'm just pathetic. All of this misery are because of my Idoicy.

Why can't someone just kill me instead

I don't deserve to still live

But I still want to live for them

I don't know anymore

I'm confused

I'm mixed with so many emotions and it's bringing me down. I've been carrying too much emotions. But I can't pour it out anymore. Not to people surrounding me. What if I run away?

I still can't do that

I'm not good in directions so I can't go back

I'm clumsy

I can't take care of myself.

I hate myself so much just kill me please


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