Introduction: Only Human

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People... such interesting creatures. They have come such a long way, from discovering fire to flying to the moon. To them, nothing seems impossible. If they think it, they can do it. If they see it, they can go there. The world is full of endless possibilities and infinite ways to live life, and most people are aware of that. If one sets their mind to something, accomplishing that task is almost certainly possible. How pitiful is that?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's wonderful that people are so ambitious and hopeful, but all in all, there's just not enough time in a human's life for anyone to do everything they want. It's as simple as that. Life goes by too fast for anyone to be satisfied with it. All those things in your head that you say you want to do one day are nothing more than just dreams unless you act on them, and even if you do it, there will always be something more you will want to do.

Did you know that when dying people are asked what they regret in their life, the most common answer is that they wish they had done more with themselves? They wasted so much time watching the hours tick by when those precious seconds could have been spent working toward a better life. When you're sitting around and wasting away hours of your day, think about how much time that will add up to in the end. Hundreds of hours wasted, and for what?

Death waits for no one. The hands of the clock tick ever closer to our final moments by the second, and when those moments finally do come, it will already be too late. There will be nothing you can do to regain that lost time. All you can do is look back on your life and think about what it could have been.

Imagine what it would be like to have more time, to live for even longer, even if just by a few years. Would people take advantage of that extra time, or would they throw it all away as if there is no difference? That is why the end of life is so important. Death is what motivates humans to make the most of their short lives. Some would even say it gives life meaning. In a way, that is correct, but to go through each day, making the most of it because one day everything you are will cease to exist is simply foolish.

Maybe if humans were given more time, they wouldn't be as careless with themselves. With that extra time, they would be able to find out what to do with themselves, but that's only a thought. The end justifies actions, just as the actions serve the end. Everything a person does will eventually lead to their demise.

You're wondering who I am, are you not? That's a bit rude... I've always been with you. You hear me every single day, how could you possibly forget? Well, regardless, you'll remember soon enough. Just remember this: the clock is ticking... for you at least.

I wonder... what will be your regret when you die...?

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