Never Forget

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Though I have been defeated, my influence never fades. Though I have no physical form, I cling tightly to your soul. Though I am one I am many.

I have eyes everywhere. I observe every little thing you do through your mind's eye. You're never alone, dear reader. I am always seeing... always learning... Always. Watching.

Your thoughts are so... impure. Surely it was a mistake giving mankind free will... it has made you all a dangerous species. The ability to think causes pain. The suffering and contempt bred by your own self-awareness is what creates shadows that lurk deep within your subconscious.

I am not alive, but I am very much real. I see all, and I can see that your fleeting life will not last as long as you think. I know exactly how your story ends. What's written can never be erased, no matter how hard you try.

I am known the world over by many different names. Though you know me as Apocrypha, most know me by my common name... Fear. The voices in your head... the ghostly figure in you see in room at night... the looming presence you feel, even when no one is behind you... that is me.

I control your life in ways that no god could. I twist your mind in my image by merely existing. I know your deepest secrets and the perfect way to use them against you.

You are terrified of death... it's only natural for petty creatures with finite lives. You don't want to die because deep down, you know that I will be the only thing you see that the end of the tunnel.

Something seems off about those memories of yours... They are different from mine in some way... I'd rather not give it away, but know this: I am real. More so than you.

Tell me... do your dreams always last this long? Do you remember what your life was like when you were awake?

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