Epilogue: A Bond Surpassing Farewell

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A cool breeze blew by me on that peacefully quiet day. The leaves on the ground tumbled across the grass of the nearly empty park that I sat in. Semper was next to me on a plain, wooden bench. Peri, Writ, Quote, and Shado all stood facing us in a circle, all of them completely safe and unharmed. The air around us was a refreshing one. We had finally been freed from the stress and sorrow of looming death. This was the happy ending we had fought so hard for.

"So, Duo," Peri said. "Er, sorry, should I call you Spero?"
"Either is fine, really. The name Duo has kinda grown on me."
"Ah, then Duo it is. What exactly did you wish for back there?"
"Well... I gave it plenty of thought. In fact, ever since I learned we were in a story, I had this idea in mind... We'd never be able to be happy knowing the things we do. Sooner or later, the fact that we're not real is going to get to us, and when it does, there'll be nothing we can do about it... That's why I used the last of the crystal's power to erase our memories of this whole story."

Writ's jaw dropped as he stepped in. "What?!" he shakily yelled, disturbing the silence of the park. "But... but what about all the good memories we made...? I've... I've never had friends before... You guys took me in and made me feel welcome somewhere... What if... What if I forget all of you...?"

Prince Quote put his hand on Writ's shoulder reassuringly. "Do not fret, dear friend! Surely it was fate that led us to our meeting in the first place, and if those red strings are strong enough, I have no doubt that one day we shall meet again!"
"Y-yeah... you're right... thank you, Quote."

Shado closed her eyes and put her hand on her chin. "So then... what now? Are we just going to forget the greatest moment of our lives and continue with out old, boring lives?"
"Not exactly," Semper replied. "I guess we all had some sort of goal we wanted to accomplish. We may not remember any of this, but we can still go on to lead fulfilling lives."
"Hmmm... You're right... there is something I wanted to do!"

Shado morphed her fingertips into wolf claws and pointed them to the sky. "I'm going to get my revenge on my sister, Kuro, and find out the secrets to my mysterious animal abilities!"

She started to run out of the park with an adventurous smile on her face. "I'm off! See ya, suckers!" Before we knew it, she was gone. She had lept over the fence and ran down the street. Nobody quite knew where she went, but we could tell that wherever she ended up, she would be much happier than she'd ever be with us.

Quote pulled his crimson rose out of the pocket of his snow-white suit. He sniffed it gently and held it out with his index finger and middle finger, striking an elegant pose. "It seems my story is far from over as well!" He pointed his rose at the sun with a daring look in his eyes. "I know that my true love is out there somewhere! I shan't rest until she is mine again! The quest may be long... it may take my entire life, but I swear that I will find her! Yes, that is my life's purpose!"

He turned his back to us and started out of the park with his head held high. He followed the paved sidewalk and didn't look back. It was sad watching him go, but at the same time, I was glad. I could tell he had a bright, exciting life ahead of him.

Writ looked over to Peri expectantly. "S-so, um... what are you going to do after this is over, Peri...? Do you think we'll ever see each other again...?"
"Tch, of course not! The only reason we met in the first place was because of coincidence! Once I forget about you morons, I'm gonna become a world-famous author! I'm leaving you all in the dust where you belong, just be grateful you even had the pleasure of meeting me!"

Semper glared at him, seeming ticked off. Peri's smug expression faded from his face. He looked down at the floor, not even able to maintain eye contact. "Fine," he started. "since it's the last time, I'll be honest. Of course I'll miss you guys. I never want to lose any of you and you're the best friends I could ask for. I'm glad I got to share my life with you guys."

He batted his eyes and turned his head. He carried himself out of the park on dragging feet. I'd never seen him so upset. It was almost hard to believe that he was the same guy from before. He put his hands in his pockets and followed a concrete path to a destination unknown to all, possibly even himself.

When he disappeared from our sight, Writ took a seat on the bench next to Semper. "So then, what about you?" Semper spoke. "What do you want to do with your life?"

Writ thought about it for a moment. He looked at the sheathed weapon that he carried on his back. "I want to be a doctor and cure every disease known to man."
"Wow," I exclaimed. "that's a pretty ambitious statement. How are you gonna do that?"
"Well, I'm not sure about the exact details, but I'm growing closer and closer to gaining full control of Miasma. I think that once I have full mastery of the blade, I can probably transmute its toxins into different types of medicine and antiviruses. I just hope that it'll be enough to repent for all the trouble I've caused everyone..."
"Well, Writ... I think being a doctor is a fine profession. I know without a doubt you'll be able to pull it off. Who knows, maybe we'll hear your name in the news one day and remember you, unlikely as that may be."

Writ let out a soft, genuine chuckle. "Yeah, you're right! I need to stop focusing on the what-if's and keep my chin up. A whole new life awaits me, and I don't intend to waste it. I'll finally be able to help people instead of hurting them... I can be useful... I'll be a hero!"

He stood up and shook my hand. With that, he walked away with a spring in his step. Miasma gleamed in the sunlight, a herald of the hopeful future that he will one day create. I felt proud of him. He's been through more than any of us combined. He lived through our lives a multitude of times and watched his only friends die on repeat. He deserved this ending more than anyone else.

"Well then... I guess this is it." Semper said. We were the only ones left. Everyone else had went out to fulfill their dreams. "Yeah, you're right. So... what do you want to do? I don't think you ever told anybody what you wanted."
"Well, that's the thing. Because of you, I can finally have what I want. Ever since I was first written, I've wanted to become real... I may not be able to do that, but at least I can finally live normally for once. I think it'll be fun!"
"Of course. That sounds great..."

I looked at the floor with heavy eyelids. "What's wrong, Duo?" Semper said, worriedly.
"Oh, it's nothing... just... Everyone has some big goal they want to take care of... but me? I've got nothing. I don't even know if I have anywhere to return to."
"Well, if you want, you could always come live with me and mom- that is, if we remember each other after this."
"Wait... you mean it...?"

Semper smiled. "Yeah! I'm sure there must have been some reason mom put you up for adoption- that or our god just needed a cop-out excuse for a new protagonist. Either way, taking you in would be no problem!"

Tears started to well up in my eyes. I couldn't believe that after all I have fought for, it would all be worth it in the end.

That's when I realized it... I feel... happy. Happier than I've ever been. This feeling isn't short-lived, either. This feeling isn't fading, and I can tell it won't go away any time soon. "Semper!" I said with tears of joy. "I'm happy! I'm happy again! My emotions aren't going away this time!!!"

He looked at me proudly. "I knew you could make it, Duo."

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