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When I woke up, my body felt lighter. It was different from when I changed gravity, this time it was like my body had no weight at all. Not just that, but I felt no worry or stress at all. Where am I...? I thought.

I looked around and saw that I was standing atop a sea of clouds with no end in sight. Did Apocrypha... really kill me? Then that means this place must be--

"Sweetie...?" A voice called. It was the kindest voice I had ever heard in my life. I didn't have to think for a second to know who it was. "Mom?"

I saw my mother standing in front of me. She was wearing a pretty white gown and two floral bracelets on her wrists. A halo of light hovered above her head. I didn't know what to say. I never thought that I would ever had a chance to see her again. "Sweetie... it really is you..." She sniffled as her lips gently quivered. A single tear dropped from her face. Before long, she gave in and embraced me tightly with shaky arms. "Honey... you're not supposed to be here yet!"

I couldn't help but shed a tear as well. I felt the weight of the guilt I had for not saving anyone. "Mom... I'm sorry... I couldn't beat him... I couldn't save the world. I couldn't avenge you... I didn't even get to say goodbye to you...."
"My baby... you have to go back! You need to come back to life and defeat him!"

I shook my head solemnly. "It's not that simple, mom. It's too late to go back... There's nothing we can do now... we've already lost..."

I suddenly lost all feeling in my hands. I stopped hugging my mother and looked down at my arms, which were fading away. I cloud clearly make out the clouds through them and could hardly move my fingers. My mom quickly hugged me again, tighter than before. She cried hysterically, not holding anything back. "Sweetie, please! Don't leave me! I don't want you to go! I don't want to be alone again!"
"It's okay mom. I'll be gone soon. In a few seconds, I won't exist anymore. You won't grieve for me... you won't even remember me. I've accepted my fate already... you should too."

She embraced me even tighter. I hugged her back, cherishing what little time I had left with the one person that cared about me more than anything. Honestly, it felt good. Just leting go of everything; my mind, my body, my soul. I was at ease. For once, I felt completely at ease.

My story ended there. I spent my final moments in my weeping mother's arms, knowing it would be the last thing I would ever feel. When I closed my eyes, I saw images of my friends being tortured and mutilated by Apocrypha. I envisioned a future in which Apocrypha ruled over the world. It was filled with calamity and destruction. Despair overtook the inhabitants of the now overpopulated planet.  Nobody died, but there would still be pain. He won. It was pointless to defy him in the first place.

In a way, I caused this. It's only because I couldn't stop Apocrypha that this is happening. For causing this to happen, maybe it's best if I disappear...






That isn't true...

This is Apocrypha's fault.... He did this to us...

I have to go back.

This isn' real.

This is a test from the crystal...

Accepting my death would only mean I am weak.

It's time to finish this.

It's time to take back our lives.....

It's time....

To make...

Him suffer.

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