The Face of God

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I stood on a white, flat surface. At first glance, the place I was in seemed like an ordinary room... except for the feeling that someone was watching me that I just couldn't shake off...

When I looked up... that's when I saw it... It was the most beautiful face I had seen in my life. They had perfect, kind eyes, the most stunning hair color and with one look, I could see an ocean of knowledge within their heads.

With every passing second, they moved their eyes left and right in a repetitive pattern. It was like they couldn't see me... yet at the same time... they could.

I looked over their shoulder and saw a world much like mine, yet very different. They continued to move their eyes in that curious pattern, as if instinctively.

Then it hit me... They weren't looking around the room, or at me... they were reading.

"Hello?" I said to them. "My name is Du-- I mean... Spero... Spero Cogitari. Are you... a god?"

Their expression changed slightly, but they did not speak. I smiled a bit. They were so much bigger than me. Their appearence was clearer than anything I had ever seen. I didn't need a description of what they looked like, they were just... there. In an unbelievable amount of detail. I knew that if I even tried to describe every feature, I would soon run out of words or run out of breath before I could list them all. This person- this god, wasn't a fictional character. They were real... I was looking into the Divine Realm... otherwise known as the real world, and the one who observed my every move was none other than one of billions of gods.

"I have so many questions to ask you... I want to know everything about what it feels like to exist... I want to ask if you know the reason I'm here... but sadly I don't have time for that..."

I tapped my foot nervously, not quite knowing what to say. It was like suddenly being told you would have to meet the Queen without any time to prepare. It was a little embarrassing, to be honest.

"Heh... It's funny... I never thought I'd get to narrate another person's life, much less a god's."

I couldn't help but smile at them. Something about being watched over gave me a small sense of security. "You've been reading this story from the beginning, huh? You've followed me and watched me through this whole adventure. So um... thank you... Thank you for going on this journey with me and supporting me. It means the world to me... and without you, this story never would have existed. Because of you, I've made some amazing friends and had a lot of fun!"

I could go on forever thanking them, but I knew I couldn't keep them waiting for long.

"I wish I could be one of you... The Divine Realm seems perfect to me. A world with no limits or scripts. A universe of possibilities that welcomes anyone at all. You can create our own stories just by being alive, and I think that's truly wonderful. I may not ever be able to go there, but that's okay... my home is here inside of Erasure."

The kindness in the god's eyes made my heart feel warm. "I'll just cut it short here... A real person like you probably doesn't have time for some fictional character like me anyways... You're probably curious about how this all ends, right? Well, I can't keep you waiting forever. Before I go, I'd just like to say one more thing..."

Thank you for joining me and seeing my story through to the end. I never could have made it without you.

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