Chapter 5: Apocrypha, Razer of World Bounds

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We stood undaunted by the hourglass as we arrived at our final destination. We stood atop a translucent, star-colored floor that seemed to float in midair above the clouds. The sun was rising in the distance on the edge of the curved horizon as it bathed the world below us in its gentle morning light. In the middle of the floating platform, we saw the one that stood in our way from the beginning, Apocrypha.

So, this is your choice... I can't say I didn't see this coming...

His voice was different than before... He used to echo through my mind as if communicating telepathically, but now... it was like I just knew what he was saying. His lips didn't move, nor did his face. The man standing in front of us was much more than human, and it was clearer to us than ever.

You choose to fight for the deaths and ends of everything that has ever existed... You wish to challenge a god that you have no chance of defeating so that you and everyone you love will one day disappear. Even with my never-ending knowledge, I cannot understand your motivations.

"Of course you do not understand!" Quote yelled back. "It is true what you say. We are fighting for death... we do wish for our lives to be over one day... dying is a scary thing- I would know- but without it, life has no purpose! Where is the value in something that lasts forever?!"

It's pointless to argue, you vexing rat. You are using your morality as a shield. You say those things, but I see the truth behind those words. You don't want to die. You know I am right, and that you cannot win. You only claim to oppose me to protect your own self image. The same goes for the rest of you. If you do not fear death, then why are you all so terrified of me?

"We... are not afraid of you!" My face lit up with anger. "You act like you're so high and mighty, but in the end, you're just some guy with a special gem."

Duo Mundos... That is the name I chose for you. Do you know what it means?

"Enough stalling! Face us now!"

It is Latin for 'Two Worlds'. I decided on that name because when I erase you and your friends from existence, nothing can stop me from merging the world of the gods with ours. I will become everything, and you will be turned to nothing. A fitting end for a villain such as yourself.

"You're wrong... the villain is the one who opposes the hero. The villain uses others for their own personal gain! Most importantly, the villain never wins! We will put an end to you and save the world from your evil plans!"

How... tragic... I wanted to make peace with the world. I dreamed of ruling over a jubilant kingdom with no war or strife... but there are still the ones who oppose me and wish for the opposite. I just wanted friends... When I created you all, I imagined staying by your side and going on adventures together. Imagine the pain I felt when you all betrayed me like the vermin you are.

"What you wanted... was not friendship!" Peri exclaimed with his glove tightened in his hand. "You only thought of us as slaves! You created us so you could manipulate us and throw us away! There can never be peace until you are destroyed!"

I see... so that is what you truly think. If that is so, then I will show no mercy when I wring you of your blood and cast your remains into the void of your erasure.

Apocrypha held his hands out in front of him with his palms facing us. His left hand lit up with the same orange glow as the rising sun below us, and his other hand concealed itself in shadows, as it appeared to be a void of blackness.

With these hands, I hold the powers of the gods. They are the instruments of flourishing creation and cataclysmic destruction. The mark of your doom is held within me. There is no one to answer your pleas for help.

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