Good and Evil

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What makes somebody a bad person? Is it the things they do? Maybe it's the way they think that makes them bad. When you think about it, everyone who does 'bad' things does so with a purpose. Nobody just wakes up one day and thinks, 'hey, I'm gonna be evil today.' that just doesn't make sense.

Everyone has some reason for carrying out their actions, whether they be good or bad. Some may think that they're doing the right thing, only to be disagreed with by everyone else. Take, for example, a bully that picks on someone who is completely defenseless. Of course, that is not right, but it is being done for a reason. Whether the bully just needs a way to get out his frustration or if he finds pleasure in being above someone, it is done with his own self-interest in mind.

There are times where one must do something that not everyone agrees with in order to reach a goal, even if it is just one set for theirselves. If you are ever faced with a tough decision, think about how it will affect you in the long run. Who will the choice benefit most? If the person who gains from it isn't worth the sacrifice, then what's the point of you losing something? And most importantly, will it make you happy?

So answer me this... who is someone you would make a sacrifice for? Are they truly worth more than your own happiness?

What's the point of being happy now if you know it will only be short-lived?

[Next chapter: Chapter 5: Apocrypha, Razer of World Bounds]

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