Seven : Knock Knock Joke

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«Salma's PoV»

[Calum Hot]

Calum : Sal..

"Kak Calum ngapain coba ngechat gue?"

Salma : Iya kak?

Calum : Lagi apa?

Salma : Ga ngapain2 sih, cuma tiduran aja di kasur

Calum : Oh, ga nanya balik nih?

"Yeeeuh untung kakak kelas loh."

Salma : Kak Calum lagi apa heheh?

Calum : Lagi nafas

Salma : Yah nenek saya juga tau kali 😑

Calum : Heheh, main knock knock joke kuy lah!

"Hmm, boleh lah boleh."

Salma : Oke, kakak duluan aja deh heheh

Calum : Knock knock

Salma : Who's there?

Calum : It's alaik

Salma : Alaik who?

Calum : Alaik the summer rain, I like the sounds you make, we put the world away, we get so disconnected

Calum : You are my getaway, you are my favorite place, we put the world away, yeah we're so disconnected

"Wow, kak Calum kok bikin baper ya?"

"Eh kaga!, gue gak mungkin baper."

Salma : Sa ae lu kak heheh

Calum : Nah sekarang gantian

Salma : Oke oke

Salma : Knock knock

Calum : Who's there?

Salma : It's imay

Calum : Imay who?

Salma : Imay dream, you with me, we'll be everything I want us to be, and from there, who knows?, maybe this will be the night that we kiss, for the first time or is that just me and my...


Calum : It's not Imagination

"Kak Calum ngomong apa sih?"

Salma : Hah? Maksudnya apa ya kak?

Calum : Gapapa

Calum : Knock knock

Salma : Who's there?

Calum : It's ade

Salma : Ade who?

Calum : Adedicated this song to you, the one who never see the truth, that I can take away your heart, heartbreak girl


Salma : Haha sa ae lu kak, gantian!!

Salma : Knock knock

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