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a dan and phil fanfiction
chapter 6


Dan jerked in the wooden chair he sat on. Teenagers sat surrounding him in similar rows, all motionless, focusing on the paper in front of them. He spun around in confusion. Why was he at Uni? Was everything not real?

'You have one minute left' his eyes flashed up and found a familiar face at the front of the room. His black fringe was pushed up to reveal stony blue eyes, unreadable from this far away. One minute left for what?

He looked down in front of him to find stacks of papers in front of him. Except, the sheets were blank. There was nothing on them.

'Dan? Where are you?' The voice said again. He searched again for Phil but he wasn't there. The teacher's desk was empty.

Confused, Dan looked around to see what the other students were doing, before gasping in horror. The student on his left, which was a slim girl with short cropped silver hair, was expressionless. His eyes flickered for her face, but came across a mask of flesh. She had no face.

He jolted in his chair and swiveled to the other side to see that the boy to his right was facing him. His face-less head was aimed straight at him, the disfigured creature said on word that echoed in his brain.


At once, his reaction was to spring out of his chair and escape this hell, but he didn't move. His eyes traveled downwards to find that his wrists were bound to the chair with metal cuffs, in an almost medieval way.

He struggled, gasping in fear and pain as the metal dug against his skin.

'Get me out of here!' a voice shrieked. The faceless students were nowhere to be seen, he was alone, among rows and rows of empty chairs. 'What are you doing? Get off of me! Stop! Stop!'

Dan whipped his head back and forth in a frenzy, adrenaline pumping in his veins. 'What do you want from me?' he cried out.

The noises piled together and jumbled into a mass of voices, all repeating one thing over and over.






His eyes flew open and he jerked awake, his heart pounding in terror. He was drenched in a cold sweat, his eyes swiveled around the unfamiliar room in front of him. Where was he?

"Are you alright?" this voice was softer, Dan snapped his head to meet Dr. Lester's worried expression. He was biting his lip, one hand gripping Dan's arm. His milky eyes brought him back to reality, he was not in the testing room, he was in Phil's home.

"You were crying out." he spoke again.

"I'm alright," Dan shifted on the hard mattress, catching his breath. "It was just a dream. Don't worry about it."

"I'm going to worry," Phil murmured. Dan gazed out the window and saw just barely a streak of light, signaling dawn. His eyes were sticky, he felt as if he hadn't slept at all, but there was no way he'd fall into a doze anytime soon.

"Come on," Phil stood & made his way to the door. "I've got cereal waiting. Hurry before I eat it all," his joke was mild, trying to keep positive.

Dan swung his legs over the bed and stumbled blearily to the bathroom to inspect his appearance. He frowned at the circles under his eyes, flushed dark against his tan skin. His brown hair was in a mess of curls, the rain from the night before had turned him into the looks of a poodle.

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