Chapter 18

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The rest of the show weekend went amazing i didn't show Friska on day two or three and Ria and i placed second in eventing which i was extremely extremely happy with. as soon as the show was over and we returned to the school i was already excited for the next one which wasn't until next weekend.
"This weekend went so well" Katie says while she's basically jumping up an down holding her red ribbon from show jumping and blue ribbon from hunter jumping. "Yeah It was amazing can't wait for the next show!" i enthused as we made it back into our dorm with big smiles on our faces. I immediately hung up my new ribbon proudly on my ribbon string that i had hanging across my headboard. "So how is your work with Friska going?" Katie asked me. "really good actually i got her to jump 2ft last week a few times and she is starting to calm down and i am starting to be able to work her outline" i answered. "wow thats good that your starting to get somewhere with her" Katie.
"Yeah i am really proud of how she is doing how had mya been lately?" i asked katie. "really good we did a metre twenty five in last weeks show jumping lesson" Katie says. "that is amazing we started doing four foot wide oxers last show jumping class for me" i told her. "yeah we did some of those two, they were so much fun and then in hunters we did a no stirrup lesson over one metre jumps man did my legs feel like jello after that" Katie says. i laughed "yeah mr.O'Connor has made is do some no stirrup jumping and dressage" i said as we sat down on the couch and turned on the tv to the news program and sat and watched the news for a little while before Katie spoke. "so do you like anyone?" she asked out of nowhere. "no i haven't found anyone that interests me to much" i shrugged. "what about that boy from cherry that you were talking with this weekend?" she asks a smirk on her face like she knew something i didn't. "Who Jason? he's a friend i stumbled upon literally i was walking down a trail and i tripped over him, but i don't like him like that" i told her. She nodded but the look on her face didn't look like she agreed. i shoved her off the couch "i don't" i told her seriously. "I didn't say nothing" she said. "yeah but I know that look on your face" i pointed out. she just laughed and then said something about going to Skype with someone and i decided i should go Skype my mom and dad and let them know how i did this weekend and then catch up on all the youtube videos i couldn't watch this weekend because i rarely had wifi.

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