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i know everyone has different opinions on miley cyrus but malibu is a great song 10/10 i recommend

nobody cares?

ok moving on

im actually terrified that cameron will get fed up with my bullshit and leave me

like ok

i complain all the time

im stubborn as hell

oh my god im the clingiest (is that even a word???) person youll ever meet

seriously im like a parasite

ill cling to you and feed off of your life essence

well not your life essence but ill basically absorb all of your emotions

i feed on the affection of people i date ok im actually horrible

never date me

ill be horrified of losing you and lose sleep over it

and then youll ask whats wrong

and ill insist that im fine until you stop asking

but really im just lying because i feel like im annoying you if i tell you whats really wrong

and i dont want to annoy you

so i try not to talk about my problems

and i try not to talk about my obsessions

because i dont want to be annoying

and no matter how many times you tell me im not annoying you im still gonna think im annoying you

because its burnt into my brain that im annoying

its been like that for 5 years

and i doubt its gonna change any time soon

dont date me because ill count on you to keep me happy

ill rely on you for emotional support even when you need it more than me


ill try to help you out

but my best is never really enough

and im sorry


im sorry


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