short drabble based off a tumblr post

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you can replace A and B with the names of whoever you want


the end of the world. the couple never thought it would end like this, meteors crashing down around them as they slow danced in their bedroom.

the power had long since shut off, and because of that the radio that was playing music for them to dance to went off as well.

"i have an idea," A whispered, looking B in the eye sadly. taking their hands again, they began to slow dance once more, A leaning in to sing in B's ear.

"you are my sunshine,"

a tear slipped down B's face as A sang.

"my only sunshine."

B leaned closer to A, crying into their shoulder as they continued to sing.

"you make me happy,"

B was full on sobbing now, shaking and whimpering as they danced.

"when skies are grey."

B sniffled, joining in with A, who started to cry as well.

"youll never know dear,"

A and B looked each other in the eyes, weakly smiling as tears streamed down their faces.

"how much i love you."

their voices began to get shaky as the ground beneath them shook and the walls started to crumble.

"please, don't take,"

the roof started to cave in, denying the couple the chance to finish their song. A hugged B close to them, planting a final kiss on their lips as a meteor fell on the house, crushing them.

"please, don't take my sunshine away."


i cried writing this

im sorry

please dont hurt me


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