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 A terrible plague was devouring the citizens in the north of the Kingdom. A great war was coming but the king's army lacked men. He could not afford to lose. At this point, anything and everything was tried. The last resort would be for women, children and the elderly to enlist in the army as well.

It was in these desperate times that an old farmer shared his observation with the royal court. Bright red dust from deep within the Forest was seen drifting in the direction of the plagued villages every night. He hinted it to be the downfall of the Kingdom. The royal Librarian and Historian agreed that it could be the notorious Arolied, birthplace of darkness. Everyone was convinced. The farmer, of course, left with his pockets filled with gold coins. The question now was what should be done about it.

They expounded for days on end. The Librarian brought out The Book Of All Things Born And It's Ways written by The Great Wizard. It held great promise. All the descendants of The Great Wizard that the Kingdom's legend speaks of, were to be gathered. Far and wide they searched under the name of the King. Plenty they found.

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