Rouge wolf

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*breaths in deeply trying to remain calm* OMG OMG! The author of  Tattooist literally just texted me back I am completely freaking out. *breaths in deeply trying o stop fangirling *

I abruptly pull away. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Signaling for one of the guards, I hand over Marke to them and head to the woods. On my way to the woods, I half shift allowing my claws and wings to come out but not my full wolf form. I make my way to the large willow tree kneeling down before it.

"Mom" I start " I found my mate. We don't get along, I mean he tried to reject me." I look up at the sky "Goddess, I wish you were here. I finally broke free of dad's chains, I'm not ready for a mate. I can barley keep not being full werewolf from my pack."  I pluck a feather off my wings and draw her into the ground. I poke my skin allowing a few drops of blood to fall down onto her grave stone. I close my eyes hard think about her. About her soft olive skin. Bright blue eyes. Her curly fiery red hair. I exhale slowly and open my eyes. My mother stands before me, a light smile graced on her features.

"My strong beautiful baby," her whispers,  "You need to let go of your worry. Marke will not hurt you or your pack. Your real mom will make sure of it." I nod my eyes searching the ground.

" I know mom. I-I just don't want what happened to you and our old pack to happen again." I chocked. She cups my face.

"Then stop worrying. Marke isn't your father." And with that she vanishes. I full shift into wolf form and begin racing through the woods. On the edge of my territory, I howl signaling, that I'm heading out.

I lift my head into the air catching scent of rogues near by.

Growling,I race off to meet them.


I sit back on my haunches blood caking my fur. I breath in deeply glancing around me at the route that lay either decapitated or torn apart.

'Alpha, Alpha Marke is calling for you.' A guard informs me. Growling lowly, I spread my wings and push down. A wolfy smile crawls onto my face. I push my wings down once more, getting a face full of air. Shifting my wings, I manage a little flip.

My eyes open in realization, dropping from the air, I wipe the smile off of my face and shift back. I walked into the pack house, with a scowl. Pack members bow, and I nod.

Slowly, I make my way up the stairs the Marke's temporary room. A howl sounds off the walls. I barge into the room with a snarl.

"Shut the duck up won't you." I growl at him.  I place my head on my hands. "It's so annoying." I exclaim.

He glares at me but mumbles a sorry. 

"Now what did you want?" I ask after he shuts up.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you." He answers. I slam a hand over my face.

"Dumb butt" I can't help but say. He shrugs and stares at me. I raise an eyebrow at him, before the door slams open.

"So your the butt hole, Elena has told me about"? Zara's mom snarls.  "So help me if Elena wasn't here you would already be begging for you life." She exploded. I chuckle silently at Marke's terrified look.

He looks at me for help, and I simply shrug. "Well I'm gonna go start training" I smirk, heading towards the door. Marke's jaw drops and he begins shaking his head. "I'll leaving you to it, ma".

I shut the door as Zara's mom smiles viciously at Marke.

I send out a quick mind link to fit pack members. I meet them at the edge of Lake War.

Lake War had been around for 17 years. A year longer then my life span. When I was first born the werewolf Council had heard about me and we're creating an army. They want to use me for my powers so the attacked our pack. My mother died after killing the head council member. That day my dad had changed.

I threw those thoughts from my head, and shifted into my disguised black wolf.

Though rare, werewolves can have two wolfs. One side is the dominant side while the other side is dormant. So I just told my pack that I have to sides. My blue hair comes from my dormant wolf. While my black wolf comes from my dominant wolf.

But all in all, I'm just a hybrid and/or the moon goddess daughter. According to the other packs, at least.

"Dang you got a loud mate." Zara says pulling me out of my thoughts. I shrug. Marke had started to howl again. Meaning Zara's mom had let him live.

"What's more surprising is Zara's mom let him live." Lilley says taking the words right out of my mouth. Nodding, I set everyone up in pair and tell then to start to dual. Zara and Lilley draw lines, giving me half of the wolves to correct. I break a branch off of a tree and tap on a person's leg telling them to fix it. They reposition it and flip their opponent over her back, winning. She smile and thanks me, as I nod in response. A man older then me by at least 7 years, stops fighting and stands up as I approach him.

I glare at him, "did I tell you to stop?" I ask with a growl.

He smirks, "And who put you in charge, pup?" A snarl rips out of my throat.

"Alright you want the alpha spot, kill me and it's all yours." I shift out of my wolf form and get into fighting stance. He stays in his wolf form and we begin to circle. He launches himself over me and I slid under him. I place my foot on his back and jump on him, causing him to crash to the floor. I grab his hair causing him to shift back.

"A warning to anyone else that dares challenge me." I break his arm. "That will happen to your neck." I finish. He bellows in pain and I motion the guard to take him to the dungeon.

Sorry for not keeping my promise. Where I live there were huge thunderstorm and one hit the ground right next to me. I'm still alive it just shattered a few bones in my legs and I had to be rushed to the hospital. The contest of characters is still going on hurry and vote it won't last long.

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