More freedoms

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Hiya, my little pack. So I was thinking, I literally can not believe I have this many views. So I wanted to take a second and thank you all for reading. You make my day brighter.

Marke's POV

I wake up to a tickling against my nose. I look down to see, Elena in my arms. Elena, is already awake looking at me. She smiles shyly up at me and crawls way.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me." She mumbles and dashes out of my room. I smirk and attempt to roll out of bed gracefully.

'Nope' Cavier jokes before a raging pain shoots through my hand and up my arms. I end up toppled over in a tangle of bedsheets. I attempt to pull free but I can't.

'Um, Kyle, Dylan could you bring Elena up here. I need help.' I mind link. I hear laughing and feet thunder up to the door. Elena barges through the door, followed by a panting, Kyle and Dylan.

"Damn. Your fast." Dylan answer in between pants. I clear my throats in attempt to pull their attention to me. Elena and the boys take one look at me and break out in laughter. Elena pulls out a knife from her boot and cuts the sheets off of me. The boys roll around on the floor laughing and Elena is still attempting to keep her giggles in.

I glare at the bunch of them. Before pangs of jealousy shoots through my heart.

'Mate was hanging out with them' Cavier growls.

'Jealous much' a voice rings into my head. My head whips around to Elena and she smirks at me. Cavier blushes as deep red and barriers his head under his paws. She chuckles.

'But, it hot.' She finishes. Making Cavier puff out his chest, but blushes even more.

'God, I love you.' He says. I look down, feeling quite third wheelish. She snickers.

'I know.' She answers. Cavier looks a bit disappointed. 'I love you too.' She answers making sure to indicate, she didn't love me. I look down at my hands to see them bandaged.

'Caviar has a... fit' Elena answer my unasked question.

"Come on, Marke. Your meeting the pack today." Kyle said.

Elena's POV

Marke nods slowly.

"Why, exactly do I have to meet the pack." Marke asks. The boys snicker.

Kyle speaks up first, "well since the pack was defeated by Elena's pack, by werewolf law..." he discontinues.

"Your pack merges with Elena's." Dylan finishes.

"What!?" He asks bewildered.

"That's not it. Since we are mated to high ranking female members, we take the female part of the job." Kyle adds.

"He means, you now our my Luna and they are my Beta and Delta females." I clear up. Marke's eyes widen and then he shruggs.

"Well let's get this show in the road." He says. I lead him down the hall and outside. When we get on the stage, I cut my palm and hand the knife to Marke. He cuts his palm with a wince and place he's hand over mine.

"I, Alpha Elena Grey, accept you Marke Ely, into the Waterwar pack as our Luna." I say "Do you accept."

"I, Marke Ely, accept." I nod and remove my already healed hands. The crowd doesn't cheer just glares at Marke.

'Now, pack, I know I haven't been the best mate and Elena was most definitely not what I had expected, or at the time wanted." I push out my chair and stand up my eyes glaze over as my pack growl in our old pack link at Marke. I walk off the stair. "Marke says something about with a little work he hopes we can become good mates for each other and he hopes he can live up to my standards and become a good Luna for the pack. The chair that Marke was sitting on moves back and he sprints after me.

"Marke just go, I'm obviously not the mate you wanted." I say turning my back to him.

" I didn't mean it like that you're enough, you're beautiful, strong, lovely, a wonderful mate and we will get through this."

I stop in my tracks.

"Don't tell me that I'm beautiful until you've seen the marks edged in my skin the ones on the inside on my heart that I hide.

Don't tell me that I'm a wonderful person until I shut you out completely and push you away because I promised myself you're just like the rest and you'll get tired of me too,

Don't tell me that I'm strong until you see me break down fall apart time and time again until I cry until no tears are left,

Don't tell me that I'm lovely until you see what nights are like and the terror that sometimes possesses me, until you've seen me scream and tremble and question, "why me?!" until I run out of air and collapse,

Don't tell me that I'll get through this that this is only temporary until you see my inner torment inside my mind and the demons that refused to be silent,

But if you have seen that other Part Of Me the scars the pain, my insecurities bitterness that I hide. The voices that whisper during the day and scream during the night. The darkness lurking behind my smile and you still stay by my side and think I'm truly beautiful, then maybe... just maybe... I'll believe you." I cry, tears streaming down my face. I tremble, and turn and run back to the pack house.

The whole pack had already clear out thankfully, and they hadn't seen my demons break down the walls, I had tried so hard to put up. I race up the stair and slam the door to my room. Sliding down the wall, I sob. My wings slowly sprouting out

Hey guys, I drew another picture of Elena, sorry this was a half a sad, half a funny chapter. I'm just having intense mood swings. I hope your having a better day then me. The quote is not my own so thank you who ever made that quote. Mwah, love you.

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