Not my dollar Valentine - Zach Dempsey

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"Hey! I know you had a tough week and I'm hoping you're okay. I know you're a strong girl but please, don't forget to take care of yourself."

Y/N gave a tiny smile to the little note in her hands and carefully held it against her chest along with the white daisy attached to it. This was just what she needed after all that happened the past few days.

After a long week of just hearing: "Are you ok?" "You look sick." and "You should probably get some rest." it was very nice to read something that showed genuine concern for a change.

She had to deal with a lot of things the previous days, that definitely took a toll on her physical appearance. She was sporting dark under eye circles and puffy eyes paired up with unhealthy looking pale skin.

She had been staying up until early hours in the morning to make sure she got an A on her biology test. On top of that, she had to write some history reports and all her english assignments due for that week.

She admitted that she shouldn't have procrastinated that much, but at least she managed to finish everything on time. Now that everything was handed in, she was going to take all weekend to catch up on her sleep and get rid of her sick look.

Y/N checked her brown paper bag for the remaining notes but she knew none of them would make her feel as good as the one between her fingers.

She had been finding this cute little notes that somedays are accompanied by a daisy in her paper bag, ever since Mrs. Bradley started with the "compliment bag project".

It all started with a simple "Congrats on your 95% in chemistry!" and after that message a whole bunch of notes followed.

She desperately wanted to know who left them, even though the purpose behind the bags was to leave compliments anonymously.

She even went as far as waiting half an hour after the class ended just to see if she could catch the mysterious someone who left the notes. Needless to say, her plan failed.

Y/N hoped that whoever left the notes would muster up the courage to talk to her because at the end of the day, Communications class wouldn't last forever.


There were a couple of days left before Valentine's Day. Everyone was going crazy with all the merchandise that was going to be given out around school, their possible dates and, of course, the oh so famous "dollar Valentine".

She honestly thought it was a waste of time and money. There was no way that something as methodical as an algorithm could tell something so subjective and random like your perfect match.

Y/N stood up and went straight to her bag after Communications class ended. She was surrounded by loud chatter of excited girls who already had a date for Valentine's day and guys who were planning on asking a girl out.

She ignored them all as she made her way to the opposite side of the classroom. Her hand reached for one of the few pieces of paper inside it and was satisfied when she recognized the neat handwriting.

"You look beautiful today."

She smiled realizing it was probably written earlier that day, lifting up her mood.

Sadly, it didn't last long.

"Aww, look at her!" Pratters exclaimed making her turn around. "looking so pathetic checking her stupid bag." Y/N flinched feeling the anger and poison behind his words. She lowered her head and awkwardly played with her hands.

It wasn't something new though. She was used to Pratters being mean to pretty much everyone outside his social circle.

He was surrounded by some of his friends and they were all laughing, except for one. Zach Dempsey.

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