One of a kind - Jeff Atkinss

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You were putting your last book in your locker when your boyfriend appeared behind you and pulled you in for a hug. He had planned a nice date for the two of you and as much as you wanted to have fun you couldn't help but feel like you wanted to cry. You have had a really bad day and everything was just getting a little too much. You had an argument with your mom in the morning about something stupid and on your way too school you fell with your bike causing your ankle to hurt pretty bad. Because of this stupid ankle you probably had to miss one of the most important soccer games of the year. You've been training really hard for it and now this happened. But as much as you wanted to crawl under a blanket and cry you weren't going to ruin it for Jeff, he had put so much effort on planning this date and maybe it took your mind of things you thought by yourself.

"Are you ready babe?" he asked while letting go of you. His beautiful smile showing. Just now you felt your ribs were damaged too, the pain made you tense up a little.

"What, is there a problem?" he asked obviously feeling you tensed when he held you. You already saw the worry in his so you tried to hide it with extra excitement in your voice.

"No no I'm alright!" You said while closing your locker. You intertwined your fingers with Jeff's and walked to his car together trying to hide your bruised ankle as good as possible but of course that made the pain even worse. You started to realise this wasn't just a bruise, there was probably something worse going on down there and maybe you had to miss more than one game. The thought of it made you feel horrible. Missing soccer wasn't possible, without soccer you always felt so irritated, it was one of the only ways you could ventilate all the things happening around you. Your eyes started to fill with tears. Soccer really was your passion so missing games was the biggest punishment possible for you.

"So babe do you have any idea where we're going?" Jeff asked, laying his hand on your upper right leg squeezing it a little. You heard the excitement in his voice. As much as you tried to hold it back you felt a tear streaming down your cheek so you turned your face to the other side, you really didn't want to screw it up.

"I have no idea." You tried to sound as confident as possible but your voice cracked. Jeff parked the car to the side of the road. His hand came to your cheek and turned it, making you face him.

"You're not alright, I can tell." His concerned face made you break down completely. You knew hiding from him was impossible, but you tried. The tears started to pour out of your eyes and it felt like there was no stopping. Jeff pulled you in his chest and held you tightly.

"What's wrong babe?" he said on a calming tone. You just sobbed, letting it all out. Jeff stroked your hair trying to calm you down. He knew perfectly how he could calm you down, not that you had these breakdowns all the times but you could get pretty wind up about things. Your sobbing got lighter and you looked up at your boyfriend rubbing the tears away.

"I-I fell with my bike and thought it would be nothing but I really hurt my ankle and I bruised my ribs too, I think." You felt like a little kid telling it like this but this injury really made you doubt if you could play the rest of the season.

"What? How long have you been walking around with this?"

"S-since this morning."

"I'm driving you to the hospital right now." He said before starting up his car again.

"No Jeff you don't have to! Maybe ice will be enough."

"Y/N, you are crying from the pain. You never cry. You really think ice will fix this?" Jeff was right and you knew it so you let him drive you to the hospital an carry you in. After a lot of waiting and check ups you finally knew what was up. Your ligament stretched too far which you had to rest with for 4 weeks and walk with crutches. Your ribs and all the other bruising spots, were just little things, they would go away in a couple weeks so after all it wasn't as bad as you thought. Luckily. You finally got back home where Jeff laid you down in your bed. Before you could say anything he disappeared again from your room, you were left there confused. 10 minutes after you heard footsteps coming back up, you saw Jeff appear again in your room with all your favourite food and drinks, your favourite dvd and some ice for your ankle.

"I think you can use this." He said with a smile. All this effort made you realize how much you loved Jeff. He had put so much effort in this date and even tho you screwed that up he still did everything he could to make you feel happy. He really was one of a kind and you never ever wanted to lose him.


"Yes babe." He said while placing down everything he had in his hands.

"I really love you." You said on a sincere tone looking him straight in the eyes.

"I love you too sweetheart; but promise me you'll never ever hide things like this from me again."

"I promise." You smiled before he kissed your forehead which made your heart melt even more.

Posted by unhelpful-y0da

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