Not just sisters, best friends - Montgomery de la Cruz

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It was the best day of your life. When you were studying on the grass at school Montgomery de la Cruz came up to you. The two of you had been flirting for the past months which caused you to grow a serious crush on him. Hannah, your sister, had been warning you about his reputation and that you deserved way better but the longer it took the more her mind was changing about him. Montgomery was showing he was only focused on you. Hannah and you weren't only sisters, you were best friends. You couldn't imagine a life without her. But that day Montgomery finally asked you on a date and you couldn't be more happy. When he asked you you packed your backpack immediately, picked your bike and rode home as fast as you could. You had to tell Hannah what happened, she would be so happy for you. The two of you were probably going to celebrate with a milkshake at Rosie's. Hannah loved the milkshake's there. While you were driving home an ambulance passed you by making your stomach turn a little, you always got a bad feeling seeing those things. They were the signal of someone in pain, or a family that got hurt. But now the feeling was extra bad, weren't the sirens supposed to get more silent and the sound get more and more far away, than why did they sound so close? When you rode into your street your heart stopped. The ambulance stood at your house, when you got closer you saw your parents outside crying and a body bag being placed in the ambulance. You couldn't feel anything. Was that Hannah? In that bag? You just stood in front of your house, your eyes wide, watching your mother break down and your father trying to calm her. Your mom noticed you, she walked up to you immediately holding you close into her chest trying to hide it all from you but it was too late.

"Y/N! Y/N!" You heard someone scream, when you woke up from your nightmare.

"You were screaming again babe." Montgomery woke you up while he sat down next to you on your bed. It's been a month since Hannah died and you've been dreaming about her since. You were so tired but every time you closed your eyes you saw Hannah. You were handling her death so badly your parents got scared you would do the same. That's why they let Monty in to take care of you. He seemed to be the only person you didn't push away. He was the first to be at your door when it happened. He explained to your parents how the two of you met and how you made him a better person and how he wanted to do everything for you to make you get better. In the beginning they were a little suspicious but he gained their trust pretty quickly. He was doing everything possible not only for you but for the whole family. He held you when you screamed, he listened when you wanted to talk, he spoke when you didn't want to talk.

"Monty?" you said trying to get his attention.

"Yes? What's up?" he asked while sitting down next to you.

"I want to go back to school tomorrow, maybe it will help."

"If that's what you want we'll do that, I'll stay with you as much as possible." he said while moving closer and kissing your forehead making you get goosebumps. Montgomery had this special effect on you, you couldn't describe. His touch made you calm down, his voice made your heart warm up, looking in his eyes made you forget everything. You knew this wasn't the right moment to fall in love but it was happening and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

Montgomery stayed the night to make sure you could rest a little at night before going back to the place that caused your sister to kill herself. He woke you up in the morning with a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"It's time to wake up if we want to be in time." Monty and you got ready for school, ate, you assured your parents you would be alright and left. You were standing in front of the schools entrance for 15 minutes now waiting until it felt right to walk in with, of course, Monty standing next to you. He picked your hand in his and when you looked to him he gave you an assuring smile telling you it was going to be alright. First period went great except from all the people staring at you but you could handle that. Second period was already tiring but it was okay. Monty waited outside your class after the first 2 periods walking you to the next but after third you had a text saying he had to pick up something from the principal's office so you were walking alone but you didn't mind. You didn't thought that was going to be a problem. Unfortunately your thinking was wrong. While you were walking you started to hear Hannah's voice from every corner of the room. You were looking around you like and idiot following the sounds but not seeing her. Suddenly you found Hannah, laying in the middle of the hallway, bleeding. You pushed everyone to the side making sure they didn't touch her but when you sat down to her on the ground she disappeared causing you to scream again. Without your notice a circle of people was formed around you all seeing how broken you were. They couldn't help but feel pity for you. You just sat there in the middle of the hallway, crying and screaming your sisters name when suddenly Montgomery broke through the group of people crashing down next to you and holding you close. He helped you get up and led the way outside towards his car. You were still crying your eyes out when he drove you home. When the two of you entered your house he turned you around immediately and hugged you, as close as possible caressing the back of your head. Again his touch calming you down.

"Try to get some sleep, I'll make us food?" you looked up giving Monty a smile. He wiped your tears away with his thumbs and let go of you so you could go to your room. After what felt like an eternity you were woken up by Monty sitting down at your bed. You sat up yourself wiping the sleep out of your eyes.

"I made some food, I hope you're a little hungry cause I'm not that good with proportions." He said while rubbing the back of his neck and a cute smile on his face. It made you laugh a little. It was the first time since Hannah's death you laughed and it was all because of that beautiful creature sitting in front of you.

"I love you Montgomery." You said without a hesitation. His face suddenly got way more serious and his eyes grew wide.

"Are-are you serious?"

"Yes Monty I am." Montgomery held your face between his hands pulling you closer followed by him kissing you deeply. Since long you felt something different again than sadness, you felt warmth in your heart, you even felt a little happy.

"I love you too y/n." he said breaking the kiss

"Please never leave me."

"I never could even if you wanted me to."

Posted by unhelpful-y0da

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