Turning Me On - Jeff Atkins

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"Jeff, I don't want to go to the party, why can't we just stay home," you stated for what felt like the 20th time to your boyfriend, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Please, Y/N. We're gonna be celebrating our biggest win of the season, and I want to spend it with my amazing girlfriend and the team." He smiles, sitting next to you and grabs your hand. His blue eyes, that sometimes looks brown in different lightings, look into yours with so much love that you can't resist.

"Fine. But I'm not going to enjoy it." You cross your arms over your chest like a child not being able to get what they want. Of course, you will always support Jeff and his love for baseball but the parties can get a little too wild. But, nevertheless, jocks have a reputation for throwing the best parties.

"Of course, you won't, babe." Jeff winks and gently caresses your face to kiss your lips.

Once you and Jeff have arrived at Monty's house, the first thing you saw was people on his lawn making out, getting high, or just being idiots. You raised your eyebrows and gave your boyfriend a knowing look meaning "why did you bring me here". He understood you perfectly and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"I know baby. The night will get better, I promise." He bends down to kiss your forehead. You both walk into the door and immediately inhale the strong stench of hard liquor. You cringe as a group of jocks stumble over to welcome you and your boyfriend.

"Jeff! Y/N! Glad you guys can make it." Montgomery slurs, clearly already drunk even though the party just started, as Justin and Zach hold him steady.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes, but Monty is way too drunk to realize. Jeff gives you a look and you put your hands up in defense.

"Of course, we came Monty, we're celebrating our win." Jeff shows his award-winning smile.

"That's right, we won that shit and played like animals! Woooo!!" Monty yells and everyone around him yells with him. "Oh yeah-uh, the drinks and snacks are in the kitchen."

"Thanks bro." Jeff fist bumps the boys and walks with you to the kitchen. "You want anything?"

"Fruit punch?" You hope they didn't spike the drink. "How about you? Are you gonna drink any alcohol?"

"Of course not, I'm driving remember. But I will have some of your fruit punch." He smirks, taking your red solo cup from your hands to his lips.

"My boy is so responsible." You smirk at him as he takes your hand to lead you to the living room where people are playing games and laughing at anything. On the way there, a couple people said hi to you and your boyfriend, also congratulating him on the big win. He sits down on the only couch that has one seat left.

"Come sit on my lap, baby." Jeff says and you do as he says and sit down on his lap, facing everyone else.

"So, Y/N, how long have you and Jeff been dating?" Jessica asks curiously, taking a sip from her cup.

"We're almost a year." You smile at the thought of being blessed with such an amazing person like Jeff. He hugs your waist from behind tightly, snuggling his face into the crook of your neck.

"You guys are the cutest couple ever!" Hannah exclaims, from next to Clay on a different couch.

"She's the cute one, though." Jeff mumbles, making sure you're the only one able to hear him. You let out a little snort as everyone immerses themselves into their own conversations.

You move around a little on Jeff's lap from being too uncomfortable, oblivious to what you were doing to him.

"Babe." He says.

"What?" You curiously ask, turning sideways on his lap so you can be able to see his face.

"You're turning me on." He whispers into your ears, sending shivers down your spine.

"What? How- oh." You finally realized what you were doing and decided to tease him. You moved a little more until he gave you a look.

"What? I'm just getting comfortable." You acted like you did nothing wrong as you felt him harden under you.

"That's it." He pulled you up with him, making sure you were covering his bulge. "It's-uh, getting pretty late, we should go," Jeff announces to everyone around. You hold in your laugh.

"Jeff, man the party just started and you guys are leaving already?" Justin asks, throwing his hands into the air.

"Yea. I just remembered I had to do something tomorrow." You and Jeff say your goodbyes and head out the front door.

The whole car ride home, Jeff had his hand gripping your thigh. You knew what was coming, and you were growing wetter by the minute as his hands crept closer and closer.

When you arrived back at his house he quickly pinned you up against the front door with your hands above your head. He crashed his lips onto yours and moved down to suck on your neck, making you moan.

And let's just say... Jeff kept his promise and the night did get better.

Posted by knightlley

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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