Drive Safely - Jeff Atkins

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The music was blasting, the beer was flowing, and Jessica and Justin were on the verge of procreating on the couch. (Y/n) rolled her eyes at the two sophomores and squeezed through the crowd, balancing the two drinks in her hands as she weaved around the drunk teenagers. She finally made it outside, sucking in a breath of the cooling autumn air and sighing. She was pretty sure Monty had brushed up against her ass. Horny asshole.

She looked around the far less populated, but still crowded, front yard, picking out her boyfriend from the way his poofy hair stood out above everyone else. He was talking to Clay, and as she approached she saw him roll his eyes violently, his whole body swaying with the force of it.

Damn Jensen, she thought with a laugh, you're gonna break my boyfriend of you and Hannah don't bang soon.

"Baby, your eyes are gonna get stuck like that."

Jeff turned, his face changing as he looked at her. He lit up, grinned, and looked her up and down. "Hey babe! Listen, tell Clay he's being stupid alright?"

She sighed, holding out his drink. "Coke for you, and Clay, you're being an idiot."

"I'm leaving." Clay threw up his hands, exasperated.

"Woah," (Y/n) lunged forward, catching his arm. Something was obviously wrong, he always played along with her and Jeff, and he was nervous, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "What's up Clay? You alright?"

"I'm fine." He shrugged out of her grip. "I just wanna go home alright?"

"Hannah kicked him out of the bedroom." Jeff said, crossing his arms. "And now Clay's being a baby and won't go talk to her about it. Go talk to her Clay."

"Leave him alone," She elbowed his side. "If Clay is too afraid to–"

"I'm not afraid!" Clay snapped. He looked between the two of them, mouth moving soundlessly, and he growled, spinning on his heel and charging towards the house. "I know what you two assholes are doing!" He shouted over his shoulder, shoving Zach out of the way as he reentered the house, flashing you both the middle finger.

"Wow." (Y/n) laughed softly, looking up at Jeff and cradling her Palm Bay in both hands. "He is so whipped."

"Yup." Jeff wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his side. "How're you doing?"

She tilted her face up, kissing him softly. He smiled against her mouth, teeth catching her bottom lip playfully, and she shivered. But there were too many jocks around to really get into it right now. Damn the jocks. She broke away, taking a sip of her drink to keep from kissing him again. "I'm good. You? Jessica managed to remove her tongue from inside Justin's mouth long enough to tell me they need more beer, and Sheri's moving the car so you can get out."

He nodded, attention a little too focused on her mouth and not enough on what she was saying. She nudged his side and he sighed, grinning sheepishly. "Sorry. Yeah I'm good. There's no vodka in this right?" He wiggled the red cup.

She shook her head. "You have practice tomorrow, I figured you wouldn't want to drink anymore."

He kissed her temple, pulling her harder against his side until she was drowning in the smell of him. She wrapped her arms around his waist. "Thanks baby."

"Love you." She mumbled into his chest. Booze made her sentimental.

"Love you too." He smiled down at her. "You wanna come?"

She nodded. He slid his hand down her back, giving her ass a quick pat. She smacked his hand, laughing, and he grinned down at her, pulling her towards the car. They settled in, and his hand found her knee, tapping a beat against the side of her leg as he turned on the car and the radio started blasting. He started singing along to some country song that made her roll her eyes, but when he looked at her dramatically, wiggling his eyebrows at her, she was forced to sing along.

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