Rollercoaster - Zack Dempsey

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"Two wristbands, please," he asked the ticket salesman at the entrance of the fall carnival. It was a Wednesday afternoon and the local carnival was filled with Liberty High students who had just begun Thanksgiving break. "I cannot wait to get my hands on a funnel cake and eat it all up," he said while waiting for the wristbands.

You and Zach Dempsey had been longing for one another ever since you transferred into Liberty High. You were quickly recruited to the cheer team, and though every single jock's eyes were set on you, your eyes were set on Zach.

After months of late night phone calls, study sessions, and casual after-practice fast food runs, he finally gathered up the courage to ask you out on a real first date.

You had always felt comfortable and open around Zach since you became good friends over time, but now that you were on an official date, it's as if you forgot how to talk to him. Your mind left your body as you grew more and more nervous. You couldn't believe you were on an actual date with the one and only Zach Dempsey.

"Sounds delish," you softly let out.

After putting on your wristbands, you kept to yourself, placing your hands in your coat pockets as you both made your way inside the carnival. You refused to show any signs that you were nervous, but Zach saw right through you.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" He asked, concerned.

Concealing your distress, you shrugged, "Yeah, I'm just a little cold, that's all."

"Well, here," he said, pulling you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "I'll keep you warm."

You looked up at him as he flashed you a kind smile, and all of a sudden, you felt at ease. Zach was a great friend, a good guy in general, and he asked youon a date, not anybody else. You had nothing to worry about.

An hour into the date, he had already won you 2 huge stuffed animals, both of which he confidently lugged over his shoulders the entire time. You waited inside the carnival as he went to the parking lot to put the stuffed animals into his car. You were honestly getting sick of all the carnival games, and so when Zach came back, you threw a new idea at him.

"Hey Zach, why don't we ride The Boomer?"

The Boomer was the most popular rollercoaster at the carnival. Everybody who attended rode it at least once. It was the tallest and steepest ride there, with one upside-down loop, and a 90-foot drop. It was terrifying yet invigorating all at the same time.

Zach gulped, as his eyes began to travel away from yours, "Um, yeah, sure, if that's what you want."

After 20 minutes of talking and watching Zach fidget with his fingers in line, you both finally sat down inside the rollercoaster cart. He wrapped his arm around your waist, as the ride operator began to speak into a microphone.

"Everybody, arms up!"

Zach shot you a confused look, and you raised your arms up, signaling him to do the same. A bar arose and secured tightly into your laps.

"Oh god, it's happening," you heard him mumble.

The rollercoaster began to slowly move forward, the sound of creaking and cranking filling the air. Though, above all the noise, you could still hear Zach's faint panting in the background.

"Zach, you good?" You asked, looking at Zach, who was forming sweat on his forehead.

"Great," he responded almost immediately.

The rollercoaster was making its way up to its peak right before the 90-foot drop, when Zach finally blurted out, "I'm scared of rollercoasters."

Your jaw dropped in shock, and you responded, "What the hell, you're kidding."

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