Bundle of Nerves - Clay Jensen

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Despite all your reassurance, Clay was still nervous when he picked you up for your date. He had walked to your house and you assumed he had talked to himself the entire way as he was still mumbling to himself under his breath when you answered the door.

You slipped your hand in his when you both left your driveway and started walking down the street. Squeezing it firmly, you sent him a smile which caused him to look down at you. "I'm sorry," he said.

Confusion grew and was expressed in your face, "Why are you apologising?"

He shrugged a shoulder weakly, "This isn't really my thing...I'm not sure what to do or how to act," he admitted.

You couldn't help but laugh, "Clay," you said. "That's not a bad thing. It just means we have to figure it out together as the night goes along, which will make our date all the more interesting. Just be your incredible self and don't try to do anything you wouldn't normally do just because you think it's what you have to do. You don't have to do anything or say anything different," you assured him. "Just...be yourself," you repeated.

Clay nodded, taking in your words, squeezing your hand back. "Thank you," he said.

Your smile grew, "Of course," you dismissed. "I only told you the truth."

He shook his head, "Not just for that, but for coming out with me tonight."

Turning your head to look back at him, you raised an eyebrow, "You say that like you didn't expect me to say yes when you asked me."

Clay used his free hand to awkwardly rub at the back of his neck, "I kind of didn't. I wouldn't have blamed you either."

"Why would you say that?" you asked, finding it had to comprehend why you would have said no. It wasn't even a possibility that crossed your mind when he had finally asked you earlier in the week.

He shot you a look of disbelief, "I was a fumbling mess," he reminded you, his embarrassment over the memory rising.

You only shrugged, a small smile returning as you remembered how he had approached you in the library too-how he seemed almost...lost as he sat opposite you. You had asked him how he doing, you could tell how nervous he was. Clay's leg was shaking and his fingers were nervously weaving together.

Clay's words were stuttered out as he replied to your question with a strained, I'm fine.

You knew he had a reason for sitting down, but he was reluctant to start talking about it so you danced around the subject for a while-mindlessly talking about everything you could think of to get him to relax before your brought up your inquiries.

"I thought it was cute," you told him, your face flushing slightly, starting to swing your and Clay's entwined hands. Clay's cheeks matched yours and you were brought into a short period of comfortable silence.

You and Clay made your way to Rosie's Diner where you ate your dinner and continued to talk. The discussions during your meal was entertaining and insightful. You had known Clay for years but you managed to learn so much about him within the few hours you spent with him tonight.

He was funny and sweet and you were glad he had worked through any doubts he had about asking out you.

Instead of taking you straight home, you ended up strolling around town and continuing to learn things about one another you hadn't even realised you didn't already know.

Your conversation drifted from family to your futures to life and what could, and most likely is, beyond the world around you. There were no barriers and you felt like you could talk for hours on end and never get bored with him.

Clay was no longer nervous, all fears and insecurities he had disappeared throughout the night-relieving whatever pressures he had put on himself earlier in the week.

"Tonight was..." you trailed off, glancing over at Clay who was leaning forward beside you with his elbows resting on his knees, "thank you," you said, unable to find the words to describe the date in the way that you wanted.

He laughed and pushed on his legs, leaning back into the park bench. "I think that what you said is a good thing."

Nodding your head, you crossed one leg over the other, shifting you body so you were facing him properly. "Most definitely."

Clay's smile didn't leave him as he met your gaze, "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," he commented.

"What about you?"

Surprise flickered across his face, "Of course I had a great time," he said, as if he couldn't believe your question. "It would be impossible not to when you're around."

Bashfully, you tugged a piece of hair behind your ear, "Well the same could be said about you," you insisted. Licking your lips, you take a deep breath-a smile forming for the countless time throughout the night. "I was wondering," you began, "if you would like to do this again," you said.

Clay fell speechless for a brief moment, "I would really like that," he nodded, a beaming grin covering his face.

"Good," you murmured, pushing yourself closer to him.

"What are you-"

Pressing your lips against his, you cut off his words. "Is this okay?" you asked quietly after a moment.

He nodded, his eyes still closed, "What was that for?" he questioned when you pulled away.

"Another thank you," you whispered, a giddy smile taking over your face. "A way to seal the night, just because I wanted to," you continued to list. "Take your pick."

Clay moved his hand so it was cupping your face, "It is definitely a good way to seal the night," he told you.

"Yeah it is," you agreed. "We should do it again."

Laughing, Clay leaned forward, connecting his lips with yours once more.

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