You Can't Have Me

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Everyone around this place is so damn anxious. All the twitching bodies, pounding hearts, and all of the constant chatter. It was my first time out of my room in months. Alec's departure, Danny and his mating, and then them now ruling the land of David had just been too much on me. I know what i did was wrong but... I thought I had been in love. I still believe this to be true. Alec was the most amazing lover and the feelings I have thrive strong. But now that he is gone and I am stuck with his psycho brothers and their mates staring at me because of what I did. 

Philip being the most disappointed. 

I walked into the ballroom where most of the commotion was coming from. As soon as I stepped in most people looked at me with either disappointed eyes or pity filled ones. I could take disappointment but to see the pity in their eyes only made me hate myself more. I am one hundred years old and yet here I am sulking around like a pup over one of my best friend's kid. 

"Black!" Jessie, Zane's mate, shouted. He was the only one out of the people to actually try and talk to me. I think it is because his dad and mom are here on a visit and they are trying to make sure he has somewhat of a good Samaritan side since his dad is a preacher. His bright smile made me half smile at him. 

"Hey," he said with a huge smile. 

"You don't have to talk to me kid." I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my arm and made me stay. His dirty blonde hair gleamed in the lighting and his blue eyes were shining with care and happiness like they always did. This kid was something else. I had to give him that much. 

I felt his eyes on me so I looked up. "Black no one blames just you for what happened," he said. "Alec is just as guilty as you are and if anyone is picking on you, you tell me and me and my mate will handle it."

"You are busy with your child on he way," I said silently. Jessie smiled at the mentioning of his child. Zane and him had finally decided to take the next step and find a women willing to bare them children. Lucky for them, they are having a little boy and with Zane's good looks going into this- the baby will look fanatic. 

"Zane and I will protect you, Black," he said. I nodded needing him to drop the subject. It made me uncomfortable to think about needing protection. I would not tell anyone, but someone has been leaving me threatening notes and other dangerous shit in my room. The person wanted me gone. Gone or- dead. 

I shuddered suddenly as I felt the eyes on me. The gang of guys that had taken it into their own hands to punish me. They catch me everywhere and beat the mess out of me, so i really stayed in my room for protection, not because I was depressed. I latched onto Jessie's arm without knowing and he squeezed my arm back. 

"What is it?" he asked. 

I took a shaky breath. "N-nothing." He gave me a look and I waved it away. "What's with the buzz?" I switched the subject quickly so he would just drop it. 

"Apparently someone of importance to Axel is coming," he answered with his nose turned up. I smiled at him and he gave me another heart dropping grin. If Jessie was single I would gladly take him- oh wait! No! I am the home wrecker so maybe I should just take my chances with Zane. I scuffed. 

"Who is this person?" I asked just as the doors to the ballroom opened and in walked Axel holding the hand of a very familiar face. I couldn't place how I knew him, but-

"He looks just like Axel- Xavier! That's Axel's brother!" Jessie hissed with his eyebrows down. I knew he hated Xavier because he killed his best friend's mom and attempted to kill Hank as well. The look Jessie had on his face attracted Zane over to us along with Hank and Nathan. Nathan gave me a scowl along with hank and Zane. Zane went as far as to yank Jessie into his arms and give me a 'go to hell' look. I gave him a 'in a picnic basket' look and he growled. 

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