That Awkward Moment

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"Soooooo," i heard Black say as we sat up in bed together. We had woken up a few moments ago and now we were awkwardly staring at the wall across from us. Why the hell had he come in here last night if this was the way it would be in the morning? Fuck, I had a raging hard on and with him so close it made me feel really uncomfortable. 

"Yeaaaaah," I said after a while. This was one of the most awkward moments in my whole life. It's not like I could even look at Black either to make it any better because if I did I would attack him and probably dry hump him into oblivion or possibly worst. 

"Um," he said shyly. "Are you hard?" he asked. I looked at him like he was crazy and then blushed as I saw his eyes trained on the black sheet over my erection. 

"Why ask if you see it, Black," I hissed and went to move but he grabbed my arm before pulling me against him. I met his eyes and he just stared down at me with his lip between his teeth. It was an old habit I had so clearly saw last night in the dream. He was so fucking gorgeous. 

"I asked because I was curious as to why," he answered slowly and quietly. I groaned in embarrassment as my ears turned hot along with my face. He is so stupid sometimes. 

"I am hard because it's the morning," I answered and went to pull away but he didn't like that, so he grabbed my arm again and threw me on my back beside him. He climbed on top of me with a grin and then pinned my arms above me. This is so not helping my hard on. 

"Why are you so grouchy in the mornings, Shade? You should be smiling since you woke up to my beautiful face," he joked. I stared up at his carefree look and almost lost myself in that beautiful smile. Who knew this man could be so gorgeous and who knew I would fall so hard for him? I would ahve never guessed I would fall for Black...I mean the first night we kissed was amazing and I remembered it even in the hard times but I just didn't think I could ever fall for a man.

"Why are you so happy?" I snapped back. 

"Because I get to wake up to my best friend's face," he said with a lovely, child-like smile. 

Friend zoned.....damn.

"Well, this best friend would like for you to stop jumping up and down on my dick," I said before pushing my hips up and hitting him in the butt with it. He stopped with wide eyes before looking back at my erection and then grinning at me evilly.

"I turn you on!" he shouted. 

"Do not!" I snapped back even though it was nothing but the truth. 

"You so do," he said and jumped on top of me again. 

"How old are you!?" I said with a laugh. I grabbed his thighs to try and stop him but he just kept going.

"I am one hundred and twenty-two years old," he cheered before rolling over. I went with him since I was still holding his thighs. His hands were laced behind my neck and my hands were firmly on his thighs with my body pressed against his in a suggestive way. 

"You're old,' I whispered close to his ear. He shivered and pulled me closer. 

"Not as old as you grandpa," he said in a husky voice. I turned my head to the side to look at him but all I got was a great look at his rough looking lips. He sure did bite enough on it enough for it to look rough. 

My hands slowly crept up his sides. He took shaky breaths as they kept going and my lips almost touched his. "Shade," he moaned softly. I groaned and went to touch my lips to his but my door swung open just as they brushed. I looked at the door at the same time as Black and we both ripped apart when we saw Axel standing there. 

"Uh, I'm sorry," he said with a puppy grin and wide eyes, "I thought you would be alone." 

I opened my mouth to answer but Black suddenly stood up. "I had a bad dream last night so I came in here. Stupid idea, I know but I just needed someone...I'll just go." I watched his panicked figure leave and then threw myself back on the pillows with a upset groan. 

"Well that was awkward," Axel said as he hopped on my bed. 

"I hate you," I said as I covered my face with a pillow in attempt to smother myself. "Why are you even in here!?"

Axel laughed like a little boy. "I needed to see if you were still mad at me.." I growled at him and chunked the pillow at him. 

"I wasn't until-"

"I interrupted your sex session?" he teased. I growled again and kicked hi off the bed with my foot. "Ouch!"

"We were just playing around," I said even though I knew he wouldn't buy that. "I'm not mad at you either. All of your kids bombarded me and explained exactly what happened and I realized that my child was kind of psycho. I wish he was still alive but if he killed someone he got the proper punishment."

Axel looked at me and then smiled. "Black is good for you," he said and then dodged my punch. "I don't like that it had to be him, but-"

"That is unfair, little brother," I said with anger slowly simmering inside of me. "What happened was not just his fault."

Axel shrugged. "He was older and knew his place yet he took advantage of my child. I was disappointed and Philip was beyond pissed at him. He should have known better than to take advantage of a little boy especially after..never mind. I am just pissed at him."

I looked at my brother curiously. "Your son was old enough to say no or yes. He knew what he was doing and yet he did it still. He did so much as to tell Black he loved him."

"That's bullshit and you know it, Shade," Axel said. "Black took advantage of my so and he needs to be punished." 

I suddenly grabbed my little brother by his neck and slammed him against the wall. "If that is true, Axel, then I should be able to kill Jessie for killing my son. Fuck the fact that Xavier acted at his own will, he was too y9ound and Zane took advantage of him so I should be able to get revenge!" I was beyond pissed at this point. "Think about what you say before you fucking say it, little brother. Black is Innocent! He doesn't deserve the beatings he gets and he does not deserve the treatment either. I-"

"He is getting beat!?" Axel hissed and pushed me away. "Who is hurting him!?"

I looked at him shocked. "You didn't know?" 

"If I would have known I would have protected him! Black is like a younger brother to me and that was another reason I felt so betrayed, Shade! He took advantage of my kid and I thought of him as family!"

"He didn't take-" I exhaled and shook my head. There was no point in this. "We need to find out who is doing this to him," I said calmly even though I just wanted to explode and rip everyone's head off. "He won't tell me-"

"-but he will tell the king," Axel said with an evil grin. 

I looked confused. "You think he will tell you?" 

"Not me. His best friend," Axel answered and we both smiled evilly. He would have no choice. 


Okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry it took so long! I am trying to update at least two books a day and I am really struggling on keeping up so stick with me guys! Lol....this chapter was...not my best but the next one is going to be fun to write! I think I like Philip and his cocky attitude! In his book he was such a cocky man and I loved it!  He can't show around his followers, but behind closed doors. Oh! That's where it gets good.


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