The Perks of Being a Dad

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I woke up to someone wrapped in my arms but it wasn't the big, muscular body i was used to. It was smaller and didn't smell as good. "Uncle Shade, why are you smelling me?" 


I had forgotten all about Stellar staying here last night. I had forgotten that I am going to be a dad now. My stomach wanted to spill out from all the crazy butterflies flying around bt I held it in. I couldn't explain what the butterflies were from whether it be form excitement, nervousness, or just being plain scared. I hadn't raised Xavier right what made me think I could raise Stellar. 

"Uncle Shade?" 

"Yeah?" I finally answered. 

"What's it like being gay?" he asked. "Like real gay. Having sex and stuff." My eyes widened and I chocked on my spit. I was too busy chocking to notice that Black had woken up and was now laughing and that Stellar was dying of laughter as well. 

"Shade he was just joking around," Black said before leaning over Stellar and kissing me on the lips quickly. He had calmed down a lot from yesterday, seeming to have a secret dad card hidden inside of him. He had taken Stellar down to the lake and they talked and laughed while I stayed and asked Philip and Axel if it was okay if we kept him. They said it was okay and Axel even threatened to go cut Victoria's tongue out because of what she said. 

I watched Black pull on some black cargo pants, a black v-neck, and his black boots before turning around with his natural sex hair and shining blue eyes. I felt my wolf scratching to go get our mate but a wiggle in my arms had me remembering we were not alone. Unfortunately. 

"We need to go to the human town and buy Stellar some clothes," Black said and that had stellar popping out of the bed like a bunny. Apparently he liked the idea of getting new clothes. I slowly got out of bed and then walked into Black's closet, pulling out a shirt and some shorts I could wear since his jeans would be a tad to short. I threw Stellar the smae thing but with a belt and he gladly pulled it on. His black hair was tossed and his eyes were tired but his smile was a million bucks. 

"Come on, kid," I said and he came over and we all walked out with Stellar in front of us. 

"Are you sure you're ready for a kid?" I asked Black as we walked beside each other with our hands intertwined. He didn't answer ut watched Stellar. 

"I think I can get used to it," he said befoer looking at me. "I still want kids of our own but I like the idea of having Stellar here with us instead of him being with a family that treats him like shit." I nodded and then smiled when his head fell on my shoulder. I kissed his forehead and then watched as he tilted his head back and kissed me on the lips. We kissed for a second too long and then we were up against a wall. 

"Ew, gross," Stellar said and we pulled apart, setting our foreheads against each other. He pecked my lips and then pulled away but I yanked him back into my side and we walked again. By the time we made it to the door my "family" was just leaving. Victoria and her husband sneered at us before walking out the house and shifting and then mom kissed Axel and all of her grandchildren before kissing me and surprising me and Black by kissing him too. She whispered something to Stellar and he laughed before hugging her. When everyone was gone, we made our way into the garage where Black had a truck. 


We pulled up to the human town an hour later and Stellar practically jumped out of the moving truck as I parked. Black laughed and got out with me and then ran after Stellar as he ran into a store that looked darker than the sky. Hot Topic or whatever the hell it was called. We walked in and I immediately latched on to Black. This place was....scary. I'll admit it. The kids that worked here looked like something out of a nightmare with all  black clothes and piercings sticking out of all of their faces. 

"Cool, right?" Stellar said. I shook my head as Black nodded his. And why wouldn't my mate like this place? It was black overawe and, as his name states, he loves black. 

"Is that a 'Fifty Shades of Grey' T-shirt?" Black asked and then hiim and Stellar were gone from my side. I looked around kind of lost. I might be up to date on some things in the human world but I have also not interacted with them in over twenty years. A lot of weird shit has happened since then such as 

"Babe, come look at this!" Black yelled. I walked past the people in there with a wary face and then wrapped my arms around my mate who was holding up a shirt that said 'I'm gay. Bite me.' "You should get this, Shade." 

I went to tell him to stuff it when a pink headed girl came up. "Aw you guys are so cute!" My eyes widened. "How long have you guys been together?"

"About a week now," Black answered. I watched the girl and waited for her to get out the torch but she just cooed and looked over to where Stellar was picking out clothes. 

"Is he....?" she trailed off. 

"Sorry he bats for the other team," Black answered. She pouted and then walked away. 

"Teenagers are weird in this era," I said and then kissed Black when he wasn't expecting. He smiled into the kiss and then threw his arms around my neck. I ended up stumbling back into one of the dressing rooms, on accident....of course. And he pulled the curtain closed with his foot. My hands went to his ass and he wrapped his legs around me. 

"We should stop, Shade." I nodded but attacked his neck. It had been like four days since we had sex and my wolf was going crazy. I pushed him up against the wall and then pulled his shirt up. "Shade, Stellar is out there."

"He won't com back here," I said against his chest and then made work of getting his pants off and boxers. I unzipped my shorts and slid my boxers down just enough and then covered his mouth with mine as I slammed into him. He whimpered but pulled me closer. 

"You're gonna have to be quiet," I said against his lips and he nodded. I started to thrust into him, letting my hands dig into his hips as his head fell back. He kept humming as I pounded into him and it was starting to get louder as he reached his climax so I covered his mouth with my hand and sped up. 

"Uh! Uh!" is what came out from under my hand as I started to lose control in him. Sweat fell down my forehead and I thrusted up harder. "Mmmm!" I looked around the dressing room and then yanked his boxers up and put it on his leaking c0ck before he came. He sank his teeth into my shoulder and cried out as he came. I came soon after and then we panted as our eyes stayed locked. 

"I can't blieve we just did that," Black said. I laughed and we started to clean up and get dressed. We found a trash can for his boxers which he complained about so I bought him a new pair with zombies and rises on them. We exited the dressing room to find Stellar standing by the door holding a tissue to his nose.

"Really? You could've waited until we were home to do that! I heard you!" Stellar said in a nasally voice. 

"You have wolf hearings o of course you did and what the hell did you do to your nose?" I hissed when I noticed him wincing because of his nose. Stellar pulled the tissue away and I almost fainted when I saw a small, diamond stud in his nose. 

"Looks cool, right?" 

"I'll kill him," I said and went for his nose but Black stopped me. 

"It's a present from us to him because he heard us having sex," Black insisted. I looked at Stellar's red nose and then at the people who most likely did it before cursing and stomping out of the place. Stellar followed with eight bags on his arms and Black just smiled and winked at him. 

We barely got him and he's already giving me heart attacks! I don't even want to think about him finding his mate. Oh, god. Oh....GOD!


So I think I am going to try and finish this book within this week. I am so bombarded with every book I have not finished so I think I am going to try and finish one every week. Yeah? So if you read my other books that aren't finished I am sorry but I am trying to satisfy everyone.


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