« ║ I N T R O - F U C K - T I O N + I N F O R M A T I O N ║ »

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Hello there sweetheart, I'm Haru Hitoshi or also know as ShadowOfTheFoxdemon.

Also, I'm the author of this lovely book...

As you can see. This book is a "Uke Male x Male Reader", which means...

Yaoi, gayness, homosexual love, Seme male reader, etc. will be it's content...

I did said on old book...


"A book may have already reached their "happily ever after" or their "the end" but... Who said that there won't be a sequel?"

-Haru Hitoshi


So you could guess...

This is the sequel...

Anyways, I'll give some information about this book and the upcoming chapters...

Please get comfortable, sweetheart...

So, let's first understand the basic information that you need to learn...


« F I R S T O F F »


The updates of this story will be very and I mean, very slow.

Why is it slow, you might think...

Well, sweetheart. Chapters don't just magically come into your mind, you know.

Please do remember. Im still a fucking dumbass and a mother fucking lazy teenager, who has a terrible problem with their fucking sleeping schedule...

I'm also an ordinary weirdo who's an author for fucking fun...


Sweetie, please be patient on the updates, okay? Ideas doesn't come into your mind magically...


« S E C O N D O F F »


Please expect a lot of editing on this book and all of the following content...

If you see an update on this book...


Don't get your hopes up that fast...

Because it may be crushed...

Like really, really fucking hard...

Uke Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now