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I didn't go to the next match, but Lin told me they, and by they I mean the Fire Ferrets, were going to the finals and a part of me was really happy.

And so finals came. Amon had sent out a message that they should annul the finals, but the council had decided to keep it open, with the help of Rei, Bolin, Mako, and Korra of course.

Lin had ordered the entire police force to be there. So I had to get into uniform and I also had to be at the match.

Upon meeting Asami and her dad at the entrance, where I was standing, I sport a scared face. I knew of Hiroshi's involvement with Amon. However, I played out the handshake but once he looked into my eyes, I understood, if I told, he told.

Asami grabs my arm and pulls me along. I signal another officer to take my spot and he does.

"Sorry, my dad wanted to meet Esme really quick,"  Asami apologize as we take our stands at the railing facing the arena.

"It's starting," I say excitedly.

"Tahno tries to clean the Avatar's clock with some dirty water boxing. Ming shakes off Mako's attack and returns the favor. Shaozu gets fancy, but Bolin ricochets a disk off the ropes and says 'No, thank you sir!'"

Then Tahno slams a foul blast of water at Bolin, but nothing is called.

"That was totally a foul!" Asami sneers.

"And the Wolfbats advance despite Tahno exceeding the waterbending time limit. A questionable call by the officials. Ming trips up Mako with another dirty trick,"

The fouls by the Wolfbats continue and nothing is called.

The Wolfbats move for another attack but Mako stands in front of Korra and they both get shot back. We think the match is over but Mako and Korra is hanging by a finger on the side of the arena. Throwing Mako back onto the arena, Korra falls into the water.

The next round is filled with as much cheating as the ones before. Then our friends get shot with a mix of water and earth and they're thrown into the drink. This foul, making the Wolfbats the fourth reigning champions.

"Korra is going to be angry," Rei sighs, looking at me.

I've noticed the electricity in the stands and I know for a fact, it's equalists. "What's going on in the stands?" I ask pulling a face of surprise.

"What's happening?" Asami questions.

"On the stage!"

We all look to the stage where Amon has appeared, quietly and gracefully, once again.

"Alright, you want a piece of the Wolfbats? Well here it comes," Tahno sneers but soon enough their bending is gona and they're in the drink.

"I believe I have your attention, benders of Republic City," Amon starts with a grin. "So once again, the Woldbats are your pro-bending champions. It seems fitting that you are celebrating three bullies who cheated their way to victory because every day, you threaten and abuse your fellow nonbending citizens just like the Wolfbats did to their opponents tonight. Those men were supposedly the best in the bending world and yet it only took a few moments for me to cleanse them of their impurity. Let this be a warning to all of you benders out there: if any of you stand in my way, you will meet the same fate. Now, to my followers: for years the Equalists have been forced to hide in the shadows, but now we have the numbers and the strength to create a new Republic City. I'm happy to tell you that the time for change has finally come. Very soon, the current tyrannical bending regime will be replaced by a fair-minded Equalist government. You and your children will no longer have to walk the streets afraid! It's time to take back our city For centuries, benders have possessed an unnatural advantage over ordinary people. But thankfully, modern technology has provided us with a way to even out the playing field. Now anyone can hold the power of a chi blocker in their hand. My followers and I will not rest until the entire city achieves equality, and once that goal is achieved, we will equalize the rest of the world. The revolution has begun!" Amon finishes, once again a convincing speech.

Suddenly the door slams open and my attention snap towards Haydn whose fingertips already are lit with fire. But the equalists have been practicing and with a few steps, both Rei and Haydn have been jabbed mulitple spots.

"What are you doing?" Asami snarls. "Let them go!"

She tries to help the duet but is electrocuted. Meanwhile I'm standing there, watching my friends get taken.

"Let us go!" Rei snarls once the platform strechtes to the arena.

Both Asami and Haydn are dragged in front of me. Asami sending me a confused look and Haydn an angry one, as to why I wasn't taken. But my feet carry me with them.

Rei is in conversation with Amon, mocking him and trying everything she can to keep her bending. She blows a heavy wind, sending Amon a few feet back.

An equalist stands with an electric glove.

Everything becomes trippy.

My eyesight disappears every now and then as I pick up the glove.

I crystal clear tear falls from the corner of my eye.

"I won't let you do this,"

And I press the glove to my best friends back.

She falls onto the ground with a scream.

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