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We are all branded a small tattoo underneath our ear aqua if we can bend water, terra if we can make earth move on our command, ventus if we can make wind howl at our order, ignis if we can make fire dance, exaltans if we can move objects without lifting a finger, sanitatem if we can heal anything with a touch from our skin. You can only possess one power, but underneath my ear there is no ignis or ventus none of those at all. Because I do not possess one of those powers but all of them. That is why underneath my ear you will read ‘elementum omnes’. I am the only one.

  I am strict but not pushy. I am strong but the softest person you know. I have feelings but my heart is a cold brick. I am an awful being. I wouldn’t say human being because I’m not I wished I was. Since birth I was different. Everyone had one power that they were born with. In class I was always the example. They all hated me for it.

  My hair always braided down my back like a black vine that reaches my waist. My eyes pink until I use my gifts. Black when angry, blue when bending water,grey when bending wind, red when bending fire, brown when bending earth, orange when levitating, and purple when healing.as I said I the only of my kind it aches to know that I have no one. This people who are supposed to be my brothers and sister I think not. A brother or a sister would not look at their sister like that hatred is the only thing that marks their faces. Our Domini tell us to appreciate our lives for when we die we become all but our elementum, we dissolve leaving our gifts for the next generation.

  After all what do I leave when I die, do I leave all my gifts for one “lucky” person or are they distributed among different people  or like in my dreams were I burn in my own bending fire leaving a pile of colorful ashes.

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