Elementum 5

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 Elementum 5

    I waited in the arena for my instructor. I was told that this is the only Domini with knowledge of blood bending. According to my watch she was 30 minutes late. This arena was like no else there where actually live animals here. Our kind is known for respect towards animals, I wouldn’t think that they would let me use any like a puppet. A loud bang waved through the air a cloud of smoke appeared in front of me out stepped a women. Her blonde hair reached her knees, her eyes where a honey brown I gasped she was a human. She walked towards me ever so swiftly that it looked like she was floating. She stood in front of me she was a foot shorter so I had to look down. “You, you are different from the others or so I’ve heard” she lifted my hair and leaned in closer reading my sign from under my ear. She sighed I gave her a confused look. “I’ll be right back” she said leaving the in the arena alone again.

  She was back in 2 minutes “Your dismissed” she said pointing to the door. Is she crazy? We haven’t done anything! “But we haven’t done anything!” I argued. She sighed again “LOOK YOU ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING YOURE AN ONMES NEXT YOU’LL GO AFTER LIGHTING BENDING AND WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT ENEDED RIGHT BOLT?!”  She was screaming her hands up in the air at the mention of bolt she fell to her knees. Who was bolt? Tears broke out she was hunched over. I started to approach her in hopes of comfort but before I could reach out for her she got up and hissed a loud bang and she was gone. I stared at the cloud of smoke that was left.

     That left me even more confused making my way out I saw the head Domini waiting for me his eyes were full of rage. He grabbed me, his big hands were squeezing the life out of my arms I was sure of bruises “don’t listen to her she’s crazy and besides you have some work to do” his grip on my arms didn’t loosen. “Let go of me!” I hissed. He backed away he was surprised to see me like this. I was always the perfect child. I spun on my heels and tried walking out but he leaned forward and grabbed my braid pulling me back I screamed pain. “Maybe you didn’t understand me you will do as I ask or I will kill you myself” he whispered in my ear a low whimper left my mouth. “Meet me in the mansion at 9 and dress nicely I wouldn’t want to see something bad happen to your friends” he sneered, my eyes widened in fear he wouldn’t dare touch May! I closed my eyes shut not wanting to see his face. After what seemed as an eternity I slowly opened my eyes and realized he was gone, I picked up my bag and headed home.


I smoothed my turquoise dress down and fixed my golden jewelry my black hair was let out of its usual braid it flowed in waves down my back. I was wearing my favorite gladiator sandals that winded up to my knees. My hands were trembling in fear. I rushed myself out the door not wanting to be late. The mansion was full of light and life making my way in I saw the party that was in full swing the ballroom was filled with beautiful party dancing and laughing enjoying themselves. Across the room the head Domini spotted me waving me over to a large crowd he was in.

  He welcomed me with a kiss on the hand and a bow. He took my hand and leaded me to a small area behind a large marble pillar. “You see that man over there” he whispered the man he was pointing at was a striking man his blue eyes looked almost see through, “I want you to kill him tonight if you don’t well then May is going to get paid a visit” he whispered in my ears. Me kill someone? Could I do it? My head was pounding I have never felt so useless in my life. I nodded a weak nod his mouth broke into a smile. “Do me well!” he exclaimed before heading back to his large group. I was left alone; I raise my head up high. The small dignity that I had was just taken away from me.

    I put on a flirty smile and headed to the mysterious men. “Hello I’m Courtney” I greeted him not wanting to use my real name in case it did not succeed. He shot me a wide smile “Justin nice to meet you” he said pulling me in for a quick hug. My heart dropped he was nice person but I didn’t dare show that on my face.

  I spent the whole evening with him he was a very caring person his blue eyes gave away a sense of comfort we danced a little bit and talked a lot. At the end of the evening the head Domini approached me he leant down and whispered in my ear “do it now” with a smile he turned around with a smile and left as that had not just happened. All the time that I had I spent with him I had forgotten what was supposed to happen. I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the crowd “Where are we going love?” he asked. I stayed quiet and dragged him out the backdoor and down to the rose garden.

  Tall walls of lush green roses surrounded us my eyes prickled with tears at the sight of the gazebo.  I pulled him into a hug under the stars my arms around his neck. We stayed like that for a while the silence was ironically killing me. I placed a palm on his neck and concentrated I stopped the flow of blood in his veins. He froze and in 10 seconds he dropped dead his lifeless body was white as ice. I refused to let an emotion control me. I stomped my feet on the ground a large whole split open on the floor. I slowly put my palm up his dead body rising slowly and into the hole, I released him and closed the whole up it seemed as if he never existed. To my surprise no bad feelings overcame me in fact no feeling where present in my body. I walked out of the garden and by the head Domini “It’s done” I told him without stopping. I was headed home.

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