Elementum 4

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I propped myself up from the cold hardwood my head was pounding. I slowly stood up my joints were stiff. My body ached with pain but in all of that pain there was a new feeling of energy. Cracking my neck I made my way to my bathroom slipping in the shower hoping that the warm water would relax my muscles and relieve me from the pain. After a couple of minutes I walked out of the shower stretching again. The shower did help me relax and most of the pain was gone but not completely. I changed quickly and sat in front of the vanity grabbing my golden brush. I looked up at my reflection and I froze my black hair had changed white streaks ran everywhere I looked at them I say around 6 streaks. I shrieked what had that scroll done to me. I shook my head snapping out of it I quickly braided my hair down my back. I grabbed all my scrolls and opened the door.  Sighed and then closed the door it was a Saturday I did not have any classes today. What was I going to do I thought a finger under my chin I stared into the wall ‘aha’ an idea popped into my mind. I rushed into my living room where the Domini scroll was still laying I scooped it up and rushed out toward the big mansion.

  The 3 towers where beautiful it was practically a castle. I walked inside the only sound was the clinking of my boots onto the marble floor it looked deserted. I took the stairs one at a time taking my time. I turned left at the top and walked to the head Domini’s room. I walked straight in without knocking they expected me not to.

  He was standing across the room gazing out the large window. As soon as he heard me enter he turned around and shot me a smile. His hand gestured for me to sit down I strode forward and sat in the big comfy leather chair. He joined me sitting on the other side of the big oak desk.

“I’ve been expecting you” he said I shot him a confused look how did he know? “I know you have the scroll and I also know about the ritual that happened yesterday, the white streaks that cover your hair give it away.”

 My ears couldn’t believe it he knew everything. His eyes glinted with excitement he opened a drawer and pulled out a knife without a second thought he sliced his hand open his blood flowing in huge amounts.  “Well try it out!” I concentrated on the liquid it flowed out of his hand and onto mine. I made it dance everywhere before putting it back inside the wound. He held out his hand towards me, I licked the wound shut. A crooked smile appeared onto his face “That was the easy part now I want you to make me move why doing you try and move my arm”. His arm was laying on the desk I flicked my hand up the arm moved u in a quick movement smacking him in the face before falling back to the desk. “GREAT!” he exclaimed. He looked at me in such a way that a person would look at a trophy. “We are going to do great things with your power! I’ve got big plans!” the smile that he sent me was filled with excitement but his eyes showed a hint of evil. I shuddered at the wonder of his plan

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