Elementum - 2

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     I examine my surroundings from a quick glance I can already see 4 elements earth, wind, water and fire. Today the Domini have decided to put me in a forest like arena. I squat down and put a hand on the soft moist earth if I perk my ears to the north I can hear a stream nearby. The arena is lighted by 10 huge torches hanging from the ceiling. The loud whaling sound marked the beginning of the exercise. I immediately sprang up scanning the arena.  A map was projected onto the roof I had to pick up 2 keys. The first key was apparently in an underwater cave. I bent down and sprang up like a coil running towards the crystal water not even stopping I dived in the water. Closing my eyes so I could focus better I used the water like a map when I close my eyes my mind connects with the water it’s almost like if I drained all the water out. Moving swiftly I kept going deeper and deeper until my mind picked up the first key a small turquoise rock with my markings carved into it. Without opening my eyes  I raised a palm concentrating on the object it slowly lifted off the marble  platform and into my hand I opened my small leather bag that was hooked onto my waist  and let the rock fall in . Tying the bag back up, I thought I need a faster way to reach the surface smiling to myself resting my arms against my sides I breathed deeply and turned my palms so that they were facing down onto the lake floor. This is the only thing that I liked about being an elementum. I tensed the water around me and released it all at once which launched me like a rocket up and out of the water opening my eyes once I reached the surface I raised an arm over my head flicking my wrist I was sent flying through the forest again I was about a good 50 meters away from the 2nd key when a boulder rolled down the mountain. I stopped dead in my tracks and lowered myself on the ground I waited for the boulder to come collide with me. When there was 1 meter of space between us I lifted an arm in front of me my hand balled into a fist I waited for the deadly rock. My hand cut the rock right through middle the second that it collided with my fist.  The rock was split right through the center the middle of the rock was a golden color. I floated through the rock reaching the middle I stuck my hand through the liquid gold and pulled out a second key.

    I decided to walk the rest of the way.it was a short walk to the Lida. Leaning down I rested the 2 keys on the ground pulling off one of my leather glove I bought my hand up to my mouth. I bit down causing a small stream of thick red blood run down my arm and off my fingertip. I touched my fingertips to the rocks and waited after 10 seconds the golden key popped out of the rock. I bought my hand back up to my mouth and licked the gash shut. Staring down onto my skin it looked as if there was never a cut not even a scratch was left. Picking up the keys I stuck them into the 2 slots turning them simultaneously. The Lida lowered into the ground   and the arena door was raised slowly making my wait out I watched the whole class staring at me.

  The Domini was smiling at me “Well executed Aliyah” I just nodded at him and made my way to the back of the of the class sitting beside May. May was a 3rd class Terre she was an expert in flowers. I looked over to see her growing a rose from her fingertip her eyes deeply concentrated as she made the flower dance on her palm. She snapped her fingers and the flower dissolved right into her skin. She flashed me a wide smile and reached into her leather pouch. When she pulled her hand back out small see through vile was tucked into her hand. She dropped the vile into my hand. Liquid gold my favorite. Being an omnes I have cravings for gold after using my powers I opened the small bottle and tilted my head letting the warm liquid slide down my throat. My eyes turning gold for the quickest second before turning back to their natural pink state.

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