Elementum 6

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herro yall im really happy how sreetheart is going really good elemntum not so much but i understand how i post more streetheart so yeah but you know what im still pretty happy with this story!


I laid there dead; even though I was still breathing and my heart was pounding I was dead. No emotion left just this ‘thing’ that killed on command like a machine. I was a slave to him. This past month I have been his slave killing anyone he wished. I turned my head to face the clock, the ticking hands made me aware of how I was just going to waste all my time in this life. A loud bang boomed through the house and I jumped off the bed lifting my hands a small ball of fire already forming I loosened a bit when I realized it was just the door opening. I listened well to realize that it was 3 men inside my house they were fast approaching my location. The fire still burning in my hands I moved back into my large leather chair. In seconds they came bursting in the room the head Domini first, his eyes vivid with rage 2 large guards behind him.

  He motioned his hand and the 2 guards moved towards me grabbing my arms and pinning me tightly against the chair. “Tell me why you killed her” he screamed “her?” I questioned how many ‘hers’ have I killed this past month. His head dropped to the ground in front of him. “The girl that was with Sagittarius she was special!” “She was in the way!” I responded.Sagittarius was a beautiful man he seemed like a sculpture carved out of marble. He could control the stars such a wonder full power. The girl that was with him was pretty inn her unique way. Her hair was a fiery red that was let lose around her head. It was wavy and reached her mid back half of it was braided the rest was wild. She had beige eyes that where framed by purple rings, she looked as if she had not slept in ages. She always followed him around later I found out that she was his bodyguard. She was a walking shield. With a thought she created a big dome covering the 2 of them. It was impenetrable, it was a pain in the ass.i killed her quickly though I stopped her heart for 10 seconds and then sent it on a frenzy she died in 2 minutes. The second she was gone the dome was gone.

    The head Domini snapped his fingers in front of me bringing me out of my faze. “She could have been a very important tool for me” I ground my teeth at the mention of tool, but it was true I was his tool.  “Well she’s gone now no turning back now tell me how do you like your new life?” he asked pulling up a chair in front of mine his gaze burning into mine. I smiled a wicked smile at him “I hate it, I hate you “his gaze fell a smile turning on his face. “I paid a visit to May while she was sleeping, she’s a beautiful girl, her talent is amazing” he commented. My body buckled at the sound of May’s name and then I launched at him. His guard immediately tightened their hands around my arm, but now nothing could hold me back. I stopped their flow of blood in their hands and ripped my arms out of them. I jumped on top of him pushing us to the floor. I put my hands on his neck and set them on fire his face was twisted in pain.

  Seeing him on the ground under my mercy made me feel good but I had to stop he could hurt May after everything he is still a Domini the head one, and I was a better thing than him. I slipped off of him and went back to the chair. Sitting down I glued my eyes to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him stand up rubbing his neck. One of the guards walked forward licking the Domini’s neck, the burn disappeared immediately. I wrinkled my nose in disgust as I watched him lick all over the Domini’s neck.

   “You” the Domini pointed a long skinny finger at me. “You are to go to my house at 8:00 we have guest to entertain today” a flash of excitement flashed through his eyes. He flicked his wrist and one of the guards came forward with a bag that I hadn’t seen go in. the head Domini grabbed it from his hands and threw it at me. It hit my face making me fall back. With a snort they left the room. I grabbed the bag and threw it across the room it hit the far wall with a loud bang. I fell back on my bed hopping to fall asleep but sleep could not fill my body it was 7 so I guess I could start getting ready. I crawled on the ground to the bag and looked inside.

   Inside was a full black bodysuit from head to toe with random straps everywhere. I tried it on and looked at myself in the mirror and snorted I looked like a spy. I braided my hair back and decided to leave the house now.  I walked slowly to the mansion not wanting to arrive early. On the way there I noticed that the streets where complexly empty which seemed suspicious.


I arrived to the mansion right on time not even bothering to knock I walked straight in the house a servant was waiting for me without a word the small girl grabbed my hand and led me down a hall and to a room. She opened the door to a room that I had not ever seen before. Inside there was just doors with names on them. She led me to the door that had my name on it opening the door slightly she pushed me in and then shut the door immediately; I starred at the smooth wall trying to find a handle. Turning around I noticed I was inside a glass case. It was a round room with a large table in the middle. Surrounding the walls where cases also full with different women. At the table there were 10 fancily dressed men. You could hear their conversation through the thick glass. Their loud laughs filled the room. One by one the glass cases opened. The girl would walk out and perform her gift. There where girls who could create identical copies of them self, and girls who could fool your mind into imagining things. There where tons of other gifts too. As soon as the last girl went back into her case the head Domini stood up and pointed at my case “and now best for last” all the men turned around in their chairs. The glass was raised and I slowly stepped out and into their circle.

    The man all looked at me confused I looked no more special than the other girls. “Aliyah can control all the elements and she has just masters blood bending” they looked at me their eyes widened. A small man raised a finger “Is she” the head Domini nodded his head “she is an omnes” the man collapsed on the ground. Around 5 men stood up and circled the head Domini. I was quickly ushered back into my case. The man all argued, a large man who looked like the boss stood up in front of the Domini he pointed a finger at my case “She is a goddess and you keep her in a case like a dog, she could destroy us all with a flick of her wrist, AND YOU TREAT  HER LIKE THIS!”  All of the men stood up throwing their glasses at the floor and hurrying out the door. I couldn’t believe these words that they recite.  Me a goddess?

  I was cowering at the floor of this man, and they called me a goddess what was I really meant for?

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2012 ⏰

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